
COURSE LU: Surface and Colloid Chemistry, KEMB07 (17 Visitors)


Requested by: Tommy Nylander
Affiliation Organization /Company: LU
Preferred dates:
Visiting Group: KEMB07, Chemistry: Surface and Colloid Chemistry

Date of the request:
Date for the visit:
Length of the visit:
Visit starts: 13:45
Visit ends: 16:00
Number of visitors:17
Education level: University students
Visitor background: chemistry
Motivation,interest, expectations from the visitors: :)
Other Comments:

MAX IV interest: user to-be?
MAX IV staff involved: Ann Terry, Olivier Balmes
MAX IV room:

Visit format and program:

Presentations and tour

Ann Terry
Olivier Balmes
Experimental hall

List of participants:

visit log

Feedback (after the visit)

indico event:






Organised by

Ann Terry