Requested by: Initially thought Olivier Balmes. Contact with:
'Christine Darve' <>;
'PONCON Yves' <>;
TESTAZ Sandrine <>;
'Marie Plazanet' <>
Guest affiliation Organisation/Company:
Preferred dates: 16 May 2019
Group: Conference/school participants
Date of the request: 2019-03-06
Date for the visit: 16 May 2019
Visit starts: 13:30
Visit ends: 16:30
Length of the visit: 1+1 hours
Number of visitors: 38 in two grops
Education level: PhD student at the lowest till still quite young senior researcher/lecturer.
Visitor background: background is diverse but they are all educated with mathematics, physics or engineering degrees. A few of them are already synchrotron/neutron full time researchers and all participants have activities or works related to neutron/X rays.
Motivation, interest, expectations from the visitors: The presentation in the morning aims at providing overviews on ESS and Max IV facilities in order to prepare the visits in the afternoon. We think that these lectures could present the the history of MaxIV (we are at 4, why?), why this synchrotron is particular, how the beam is generated, what instruments are present and for what kind of purpose/experience. How does it sounds for you?
“…fit for “scattering” students”
(More important than a precise answer for all the individual participants is the overall level and background of the group.)
Other Comments:
School program:
TESTAZ Sandrine:Fench attachée for science and higher education and I organise jointly with several French and Swedish institutions the French-Swedsih advanced school FASEM on X-rays and Neutrons techniques for the study of functional materials for energy which is going to take place from May 13 to 17, in Lund.
We have planned a visit of both MaxIV and ESS on the Thursday 16 May, see the programme of the school here
An introduction course of both infrastructures is planning on same morning.
The school will have 30-32 participants + a few lecturers.
The visit of 2 representatives from Grenoble Alpes University (Prof Eric Saint-Aman, vice-president for research at Grenoble-Alpes University, and Prof Yassine Lakhnech, Director of the Research and tech transfer), will unfortunately arrive too late to visit MaxIV.
Sandrine Testaz, PhD. Attachée de coopération scientifique et universitaire.Vetenskaps- och universitetsattaché. Ambassade de France | Institut français de Suède. Kommendörsgatan 13, Box 5296, SE - 10246 Stockholm, Suède. tel +46 8 45 95 382 |
They come in two slots, due to the requirement of combining both visits to MAX IV and ESS.
MAX IV is listed under the sponsors.
MAX IV staff involved: Ana Labrador, Åke Andersson, Takashi Tokushima, Craig
MAX IV interest: Outreach to "users-to-be" "materials for energy" communities.
Visit format and program (only MAX IV resources related):
9:00 - 10:00 General presentation and introduction to MAX IV (Ana Labrador and ESS (...)
First group Visit to the MAX IV experimental hall:
13:30 CoSAXS & BioMAX Ana Labrador
13:45 MAX IV Accelerators. Åke Andersson
14:00 VERITAS & RIXS. Takashi Tokushima
14:15 BLOCH & ARPES ?
Second group Visit to the MAX IV experimental hall
15:30 CoSAXS & BioMAX Ana Labrador
15:45 MAX IV Accelerators. Åke Andersson
16:00 VERITAS & RIXS. Takashi Tokushima
16:15 BLOCH & ARPES ?
List of participants: (to be provided few days before the visit)
Feedback (after the visit)