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Gerdahallen will have classes at MAX IV during the spring. The sessions are free to attend for all MAX IV staff. However, if you want to partcipate, you need to register using this site. For outdoor activities, please meet at the reception 5 min in advance. For the gym sessions, please meet ready changed in the gym on time.
Activities and times
Wednesday 17/04, kl. 11.30–12.25 Running – intermediate (outside)
Wednesday 24/04, kl. 11.30–12.25 HIT/Bootcamp – intermediate (outside)
Wednesday 08/05, kl. 11.30–12.25 PT (Intro. gym) – easy ONLY 6 participants
Wednesday 15/05, kl. 11.30–12.25 PT (Forts. gym) – intermediate ONLY 6 participants
Wednesday 22/05, kl. 11.30–12.25 Core – intermediate (outside)