- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Requested by: Kajsa M Paulsson <kajsa_m.paulsson@med.lu.se> Then again by Martin L Olsson <martin_l.olsson@med.lu.se> to MT -> Emelie
Affiliation Organization /Company: Medical faculty, Lund
Preferred dates: 2019-04-10
Visiting Group: annual national meeting for the deans of the medical faculties in Sweden, 9-10 April, Lund
Date of the request: 2018-12-18 (to AL), 2019-01-28 )(to EH)
Date for the visit: 2019-04-10
Length of the visit: 1 hour (twice)
Visit starts: 11:45
Visit ends: 12:45
Number of visitors: 39
Education level: PhD Deans and leadership,
Visitor background: medical doctors, molecular biology or similar
Motivation,interest, expectations from the visitors: a perspective on what is MAX IV and why it is such a useful tool sounds great! (to AL)
(a guided study visit)
Other Comments: come back to you for more planning after we have more information about the program and what presentations etc from MAX IV that will be included during the two days of the meeting.
Then, they contacted Marjolein who redirected the visit to Tutti: "20 minuter blir helt OK för mitt del. För besöket, jag har cc-ed Tutti Johansson Falk och Emelie Hilner därför de vet betydligt mer angående hur man kan detalj planerar en besök som ni har tänkt. Vi har reserverat tid för detta. mvh, Marjolein"
Common contact in the two channels: KMPaulsson: Jag har fått i uppdrag av Martin L Olsson att kontakta dig (EH) angående planeringen av studiebesök till MAX IV/ESS i samband med det årliga nationella mötet för MedFak dekaner som MedFak LU i år står värd för.
MAX IV interest: Outreach to potential "users-to-be" communities.
MAX IV staff involved: Ana Labrador (preliminary contact), Emelie H, Marjolein, Ulf.
MAX IV room: None
Visit format and program:
Guided visit
List of participants:
See uploaded material
Feedback (after the visit)
indico event: https://indico.maxiv.lu.se/event/1006/