13:41:35 From Gerd Mann : @Hans: To which extend has the COVID-19 pandemic changed the usage patterns w.r.t. local vs. remote use? 13:59:44 From Joanne Mc Carthy : Hi Neil, how do you ensure data confidentiality when downloading dat through Globus ? Meaning how do you ensure a user only has access to the data he should see ? Thanks. 14:00:41 From Astrid Brandt : @all speakers: could you please make your slides available afterwards? Thank you. 14:00:44 From Andrew Richards : The data that the user can access on the filesystem underneath Globus, or the data that is presented to them in the Topcat interface, is only that that the user is entitled to see. 14:02:16 From Joanne Mc Carthy : Hi Andrew, Thanks. Is the entitlement based on the user registration form ? So only users registered for that experiment can see the dat ? 14:02:44 From Andrew Richards (Diamond) : Yes, only users associated with the particular experiment visit can see the data 14:03:13 From Joanne Mc Carthy : Got it, thanks. 14:17:24 From Darren Spruce : Andy G: what is double password? Is it two factor authentication? 14:18:28 From Fernando Calvelo : Yes.... MFA is just one of the aspect that try to address the Bastion solutions... 14:32:02 From Fernando Calvelo : Which kind of "thin clients" are you planning to use? 14:36:40 From Fernando Calvelo : Thanks 14:50:48 From Darren Spruce : It’s from MAX IV, see the git address ;-) 14:53:15 From Hans Fangohr : @George: You mentioned RocketChat enriched by messages provided from the Scientific Bot / DAQ / control system. Do you provide RocketChat to the users? If so, do you create a new RocketChat instance per experiment? Or a new channel within a fixed instance per experiment? 14:55:40 From Andrew Richards (Diamond) : @george if you want to talk about NX then please email me on Andrew.j.richards@diamond.ac.uk and I can put you in touch with the admins who have done all the work on this. 15:03:50 From Andy Gotz : Mark - thanks! Where are the biscuits ;-) 15:28:54 From Zdenek Matej : Thinlink is TigerVNC 15:36:52 From Salvador Ferrer Fábregas : Is it planned that the samples of photoemission be transferred remotely from one chamber to the other ? 15:40:26 From Andy Gotz : Gerd, not very optimistic outlook …. 15:52:27 From Krzysztof Wrona : what is the main concern for using zoom? 16:00:20 From Gerd Mann : Zoom had and has some security and data privacy issues. E.g. no end-to-end encryption. 16:02:20 From Guifré Cuní Soler : update from yesterday: https://blog.zoom.us/wordpress/2020/06/17/end-to-end-encryption-update/ 16:05:51 From Gerd Mann : Thank you. As mentioned I hope that Zoom is fast in addressing security issues and concerns. There are also rumors that one of the big IT companies (the one located in Redmond) might be interested in Zoom... 116:13:31 From artur : re zoom - anyone checked out vidyo? 16:17:30 From Gerd Mann : Vidyo was the preferred solution of the Swiss academic community. Concerning quality and reliability no match for Zoom 16:17:51 From Andy Gotz : yes - ESRF tried it (we followed CERN's example) but gave up in favour of zoom. Many users had issues with vidyo - difficult to make it work, bad quality, not supported on Linux etc. 16:18:04 From Andrew Richards (Diamond) : https://blog.zoom.us/wordpress/2020/06/17/end-to-end-encryption-update/?zcid=3753&creative=431306240837&keyword=%2Bzoom%20%2Bencryption&matchtype=b&network=g&device=c&gclid=Cj0KCQjwoaz3BRDnARIsAF1RfLcAFTh9khE99U8rt6kBLI-exSLPATKR-hLT3EF8MBDjH6OeoSKUjQEaAofXEALw_wcB 16:18:23 From Krzysztof Wrona : also CERN uses zoom now 16:18:24 From Lorenzo Pivetta : My own experience: zoom outperforms vidyo, it's easier to use, and works on Linux too... 16:18:59 From Andrew Richards (Diamond) : Zoom aim to implement quite soon end to end encryption. I think they have had so much attention they are heading to be the market leader. MS is more interested it seems in making Teams beat Zoom which if they acquire Zoom will probably be like the acquisition of Skype and make it harder to use. 16:19:27 From Andy Gotz : and a reason to stop using zoom …. 16:19:58 From Darren Spruce : Does anyone object to saving the chat dialogue in the meeting material? 16:20:57 From Lorenzo Pivetta : @Andy... that would be the case... 16:21:34 From artur : ok, thanks. Back when CERN was investing heavily into vidyo, it seemed one of the better ones, but didn't use it in a while now. agree technically zoom is working very well. 16:21:36 From Andy Gotz : I stopped using Skype because the service went down after MS bought it 16:22:39 From Hans Fangohr : @darren - no objections from me regarding keeping the chat content. I think it is a good example of additional context (nearly metadata) that is exchanged in such chats. 16:22:46 From Daniel Salvat Iturbide : We also have very good experiences in controlling the other one’s equipment 16:22:51 From Daniel Salvat Iturbide : for Desktop support 16:23:13 From Gerd Mann : Interesting questions. No sufficient resources to build up and operate local services and knowing that with the use of highly integrated and convenient cloud services you are selling your soul to the devil. 16:23:50 From Daniel Salvat Iturbide : I’d say we are trying to balance as much as possible 16:24:41 From Darren Spruce : Has anyone tried an owl labs camera? Our user office are trying it out. Could be great for mixed remote + face to face meetings in future, in combination with zoom… or whichever future system is best 16:25:30 From Andrew Richards (Diamond) : This is interesting as well for mixing multiple video feeds into something like Zoom https://obsproject.com/ 16:25:47 From Darren Spruce : @Hans I’ll have to filter out my private messages though… I cannot see anyone else… so it should be fine. 16:25:49 From Andy Gotz : We used it at the last ICAT meeting - great device in a small meeting room. I am not sure how it will perform in a large room. Microphone had some issue picking up people who speak softly. 16:26:17 From Darren Spruce : @ Andy: thanks for the feedback 16:26:45 From Phipps, Kevin (STFC,RAL,SC) : The concept of the owl is great. I was remote in the ICAT meeting that Andy mentioned and indeed following the audio was difficult. 16:28:41 From Darren Spruce : Is P11 using mxCUBE? 16:29:48 From Andrew Richards (Diamond) : I have to go for picking up kids. Its been very interesting. thanks all.. 16:30:06 From Andy Gotz : @Andrew, cheers! 16:30:47 From Daniel Salvat Iturbide : By, @Andrew 16:32:04 From Guifré Cuní Soler : at ALBA we have one room with a device similar to this one: https://www.amazon.com/VTech-VCS704-ErisStation-Conference-Technology/dp/B00HVKFZMK which works really well for transferring audio to remote attendants becaouse of the individual microphones which can be handed to people at the "end of the room" or with "soft speaking" 16:35:07 From Guifré Cuní Soler : This is it: https://www.alcatel-home.com/es/producto/alcatel-conference-ip1850 16:36:28 From Daniel Salvat Iturbide : What I also like about Zoom is that they also provide an API to interact with 16:47:24 From Darren Spruce : Nice summary Mark! 16:48:27 From Andy Gotz : @Mark - good summary. Only missing Jupyter notebooks service. 16:48:40 From Majid : Definitly very goog yes! 16:48:45 From andre : @Darren: not at moment, but it's planned in view of common control habits /software for MX community. 16:49:33 From George Kourousias (ELETTRA) : Excellent summary. Thank you! 16:50:45 From Paul Jeffreys : What would you say is the most important step in improving security for remote working? In my view, for Diamond, it is implementing MFA. 16:51:03 From Michal Ostoja-Gajewski@SOLARIS : Very inspiring meeting ! Thank you. 16:51:16 From Lorenzo Pivetta : Agree. Really effective! Thanks @Mark. 16:54:04 From Hans Fangohr : Need to go to the next (international) meeting - thanks all, very interesting and useful! 17:03:37 From Peter Steinbach : Thanks to all, I found this afternoon super informative. Keep it up and stay healthy! 17:10:01 From Luca Gelisio : I also have to leave for the next meeting. But thanks a lot for this: interesting and inspirational! Looking forward for next events. Ciao! 17:10:38 From Salman (SESAME) : Thanks you all for the useful presentations, and the meeting was very fruitful 17:11:24 From Paul Jeffreys : https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/cyberessentials/overview 17:12:04 From Andy Gotz : @paul thanks! 17:13:02 From Majid : Have to leave. Many thanks for the very istructive interesting meeting 17:13:16 From Paul Jeffreys : We received CE certification last November; in principle it should be updated each year… 17:14:09 From Fernando Calvelo : Very interesting info @Paul. Thanks ! 17:15:24 From Andy Gotz : Here is the NIST standard https://nvd.nist.gov/800-53 17:15:25 From Gerd Mann : Sorry, I have to leave. 17:15:55 From artur : @Andy - thanks! 17:16:42 From Paul Jeffreys : Diamond is also a member of CNR Network Reporting: https://www.sbrcentre.co.uk/media/4357/cnr-advert.pdf 17:19:51 From Mustafa Alzubi : thanks everybody, I have to leave. 17:25:54 From Paul Jeffreys : Thank you to Darren, Mark, everyone. Bye. 17:27:53 From George Kourousias (ELETTRA) : Have a nice evening! 17:27:53 From Miroslaw Burzynski : Excellent meeting! Thanks to all! 17:28:11 From Andy Gotz : Thanks to all and see you soon I hope! 17:28:19 From Carlos Escudero : Thanks! 17:29:32 From Guifré Cuní Soler : Thank you all!