Workshop to Define the Science Case for a Soft X-ray Laser Beamline at MAX IV

from Monday, 21 March 2016 (10:00) to Wednesday, 23 March 2016 (15:00)
AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
21 Mar 2016
22 Mar 2016
23 Mar 2016
Welcome and Introduction to the Meeting - Jesper Andersen (Science Director at MAX IV Laboratory) Anders Nilsson Anders Karlhede (Dean of Science Faculty at Stockholm University) Mats Larsson Sverker Werin (until 11:00) (FD5)
11:00 FEL Research and Development at the LCLS - Zhirong Huang   (FD5)
11:30 Control of soft X-ray pulses at the seeded Free Electron Laser FERMI - Enrico Allaria   (FD5)
09:00 Coherent diffractive imaging of giant amoeba viruses - Jonas Sellberg   ()
09:00 Electronic and Structural Dynamics in Metal Complexes enlightened by XFEL Experiments - Prof. Martin Meedom Nielsen (Technical University of Denmark)   ()
09:00 Femtosecond dynamics of antiferromagnetic spin order in an induced multiferroic - Steve Johnson   ()
09:30 Chemical dynamics: From single site to multi centre dynamics - Alexander Föhlisch   ()
09:30 Single particle imaging: the past and the future - Filipe Maia   ()
09:30 Towards controlling spins in space and time - Hermann Dürr   ()
10:00 1D crystallography: XFEL imaging of biological assemblies with helical symmetry - Gisela Brändén   ()
10:00 Dynamics of electrons at work in solar energy conversion - Villy Sundström   ()
10:00 Seeing Spins Move - Stefan Eisebitt   ()
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
Breakout sessions (until 13:00) ()
09:00 FLASH - a High Repetition Rate XUV and Soft X-Ray FEL - Wilfried Wurth   ()
09:30 SwissFEL: expanding capabilities with ATHOS - Rafael Abela   ()
10:00 --- Coffee Break ---
Breakout sessions (until 12:00) ()
12:00 Lund Laser Centre - Per Johnsson   (FD5)
12:15 Opportunities for THz pump / x-ray probe investigations - Stefano Bonetti   (FD5)
12:30 --- Lunch ---
13:30 Multi-Wave Mixing at FERMI - Claudio Masciovecchio   ()
13:30 Probing photochemistry of isolated molecules by short x-ray pulses - Markus Gühr   ()
13:30 Probing the dynamics of electronic orderings using time-resolved resonant x-ray scattering - Yi-De Chuang   ()
14:00 Probing ultrafast surface chemistry and catalysis with optical and soft x-ray lasers - Henrik Öström   ()
14:00 Quenching of the Resonant Magnetic Scattering by Ultra-Short Free-Electron Laser Light Pulses - Magnus Berntsen   ()
14:00 Stimulated x-ray Raman scattering in molecules - Victor Kimberg   ()
14:30 Experiments for stimulated soft X-ray emission from solids - Martin Beye   ()
14:30 Opportunity to probe oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions at Interfaces using SXL - Hiroito Ogasawara   ()
14:30 Towards controlled manipulation of inner-shell electrons - Linda Young   ()
15:00 --- Coffee break ---
15:30 Controlling Resonant Soft X-Ray Processes through Stimulation - Joachim Stöhr   ()
15:30 Localization of electrons with xrays. Prospects and challenges - Dennis Nordlund   ()
15:30 Towards a complete picture of few X-ray photons driven ionisation - Raimund Feifel   ()
16:00 Femtosecond X-ray Spectroscopy for photovoltaics - Martina Dell'Angela   ()
16:00 Resonant Magnetic Scattering - Gerhard Grübel   ()
16:00 Resonant and non-resonant multi-photon processes in atoms - Michael Meyer   ()
Breakout sessions (until 18:00) ()
Breakout sessions (until 18:00) ()
16:31 Challenges and opportunities for atomic, molecular, cluster science at the Low Density Matter beamline at FERMI - Carlo Callegari   ()
Breakout sessions (until 18:00) ()
18:00 --- Reception ---
13:00 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Science Opportunities for the LCLS-II High Repetition Rate Soft X-ray Laser - Robert Schoenlein   ()
14:30 Experimental strategies and research perspectives taking advantage of fully coherent EUV-Soft X-ray FERMI radiation - Maya Kiskinova   ()
15:00 Soft x-ray science opportunities and instrumentation at European XFEL - Andreas Scherz   ()
15:30 --- Coffee break ---
Breakout sessions (until 17:30) ()
12:00 --- Lunch ---
Breakout sessions (until 14:30) ()
Summary -Prof. Ingolf Lindau (Lund University) (until 14:55) ()
End of meeting - Anders Nilsson (until 15:00) ()