23-28 June 2024
Europe/Stockholm timezone

RHIC Run 23 Valve Box Failure

26 Jun 2024, 09:35


Travis Shrey (Brookhaven National Lab)


Run 23 for the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider saw the return of two collision points for the first time since 2016 using Au-Au collisions for the commissioning of the new sPHENIX detector and a physics run for the STAR collaboration. The run was cut short by 6 weeks when a warm-to-cold power connection failed for the main ring power supplies. An exhaustive investigation showed several contributing factors to the failure, ranging from design issues in the feedthrough to cryogenic flow issues within the transition. This talk will cover the results from the investigation and mitigation steps taken for the next two RHIC runs.

Primary author

Travis Shrey (Brookhaven National Lab)

Presentation Materials