23-28 June 2024
Europe/Stockholm timezone

ISIS accelerator strategy


Jonny Ranner (ISIS neutron and muon source, STFC)


ISIS Neutron and Muon Source is based at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK and operated by UKRI-STFC. In a typical year, ISIS facilitates 1200 experiments by 3000 users from 30 countries generating 600 publications. Using neutrons or muons as a probe to understand materials at an atomic level is non-destructive and provides results that cannot be achieved by other techniques.

The ISIS accelerators have been in operation for almost 40 years. Accelerator performance remains a dominant focus for the engineers and technicians who maintain and operate the machine. The ISIS Accelerator Strategy sets out a number of goals to guide future accelerator operations and research activities that can be encapsulated into four themes: operational sustainability, environmental sustainability, accelerator R&D, and development and retention of skills and knowledge.

This talk presents the key objectives of the ISIS Accelerator Strategy and how machine performance remains embedded in the workplace culture; including discussion on make-up of the management and operators, and how operations are planned and reviewed.

Primary author

Jonny Ranner (ISIS neutron and muon source, STFC)

Presentation Materials