23-28 June 2024
Europe/Stockholm timezone

We want to bring together the worldwide accelerator community and other industries to exchange experiences in designing, testing, commissioning, operating, and maintaining reliable facilities. This workshop aims to stimulate information sharing on technical issues and challenges faced, common cultural and human factors, and future opportunities.

The workshop format of ARW means that the presentation sessions are complemented with discussion sessions which account for roughly 50% of the workshop time.

These sessions place more focus on engagement and allow participants to openly raise topics and questions and receive feedback from a network of peers who either have had, or will have, similar experiences from their facility. The aim of this format is to get the participants more actively involved in the topics and helping to establishing a strong and mindful dialogue and exchange of ideas.

Topics cover facilities from the operations, physics and engineering perspective and participants represent people from all backgrounds including technicians, engineers, physicists, management and operators.

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