23-28 June 2024
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Presentations and Posters Guidelines


  • The purpose of the guidelines is to help oral and poster presenters create and deliver meaningful and impactful slide and visual presentations that will inform and engage the participants in lively discussions about workshop topics.

Poster/Disaster Picture Information:

  • Poster format is A0 portrait. This is 841 x 1189 mm or 33.1 x 46.8 inches.
  • ARW Logo
  • A Picture Related to Reliability – Referred to as “Disaster Picture”
    • Minimum size A3, complemented with a short explanatory text on what happened and what was done about it
    • Award for the Best Poster
    • Award for the Best Disaster Photo

Oral Contribution Information:

The Workshop on Accelerator Reliability (ARW) is a workshop where presentations on topics associated with accelerator reliability issues inform participants and lead to discussions that allow further exchange of ideas as well as opportunities to build a strong community. The primary objective of workshop presentations is to effectively present ideas about accelerator reliability that will be informative and useful to the audience. The presentation should adequately illustrate the topic. Many ARW presenters are new to the experience of making presentations and should try to utilize the following ideas. The following guidelines are intended to facilitate effective slide presentations.

  • Computer: Only workshop computer will be used
  • Format: Microsoft PowerPoint or PDF
  • Slide size:
    • Preferred size 16/10 or 16/9.
    • These slide sizes maximize the use of the screen.
    • Feel free to use the ARW 2024 ppt template found at the end of the "About the Workshop" page
  • Duration:
    • The talk is typically 20 min + 10 min of questions (if 3 talks a session, otherwise shorter, get in touch with the session chair).
  • Number of Slides:
    • A common rule is to have one slide per minute of your talk.
    • Working to edit your slides to meet this goal, you will remove unneeded words and establish a more focused presentation.
    • A timer will be displaying the time allowed for your talk, with a warning 5 then 1 min before the end.
  • Before your scheduled contribution please:
    • Work with your session chair(s) to ensure they have your presentation loaded onto the workshop computer.
    • Familiarize yourself with the meeting room and equipment to ensure there are no presentation delays or disruptions.
  • Submission:
    • The presentation shall be either submitted to the Chairman of the session or uploaded on the INDICO ARW2024 site
    • Submission deadline is 19th of June, 2024.
    • Please honor the deadline to allow sufficient time for the first review and discussions, and for optimization and general consistency of the session.
  • Contents of the Talk:
    • The first part of the talk (average of 1-2 minutes) should present (when appropriate) the facility represented (including main features of the accelerator, the final goals and users).
    • Speakers shall pay attention to avoid too much redundancy with speakers from the same facility speaking before during ARW2024.
    • The core part of the presentation should be in accordance with the session and the general topics of ARW, including some basics expected (ex: what is the definition of reliability used, organization for reliability), but also the originality of the works or experience reported.
    • The conclusion part of the talk should include a summary of main data and ideas reported, with perspectives, but also open the discussion with the participants and encourage their participation (remaining questions or problems sharing, controversy opinion on a key subject).

Hopefully these guidelines will help you make an effective slide presentation that will inform and will stimulate lively discussions about the workshop topics.

  • Language Guidelines
    • The Workshop on Accelerator Reliability (ARW) is an international workshop with participants from the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa.
    • The official language of the workshop is English.
    • A significant portion of the audience does not speak English as a first language. Therefore, speakers are requested to use the below described language code.
    • Doing so will help the audience to better understand the presentations and will make it easier for them to participate in discussions, which are a vital part of the workshop.
  • All presenters and participants should:
    • Speak slowly: Speaking slowly gives the audience time to absorb and translate the speakers talking points, helping to ensure that attendees do not miss any discussion points.
    • Avoid local dialect:. Although many people are proud of their regional provenance, the use of local dialects should be restricted to the social part of the workshop.
    • Explain all abbreviations: Abbreviations like “ES&H”, “ALARA” or “LOTO” are well understood by many, but may puzzle some other participants.
    • Avoid laboratory slang: Phrases like “rookie book,” “swing shift,” or “End Station A” are well known in some places, but need some explanation for other participants.

These guidelines are not meant to discourage those who do not speak perfect English, but to motivate native English speakers to use their language as transparent as possible.

Hopefully these guidelines will help to improve the communication between all participants in the workshop and increase the number of active participants in the discussions during the workshop.