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Visit requested by: Louise Wallach. TMS Meeting Services
Group: 4th International Congress on 3D Materials Science
Louise Wallach <lwallach@tms.org>;
Kelcy Wagner <kwagner@tms.org>;
local organizing committee:
Hugh Simons <husimo@fysik.dtu.dk>
Henning Friis Poulsen <hfpo@fysik.dtu.dk>
Date of request:2018 January 17
Date for the visit: 14 June 2018
Duration of the visit: 4 hours ideal. Finally it will be 2 hours
Time: 13:00 to 15:00
Number of Participants: 24
MAX IV Presenters/Guides: Innokenty Kantor, Jörg Schwenke, Angel Rodriguez-Fernandez, Claudia Struzzi, Ross Friel, Ana Labrador, Ian McNulty, Niklas (Emelie´s student)
Format for the visit: A general presentation and guided tour will be good. However if there are any additional programming items you can offer that will complement the presentation and tour, please let us know.
Visitors education/profession background:
Approximately 44% of the total conference attendees are university professionals, 21% are government lab professionals, and another 21% are students. I can provide the detailed background of the tour participants on May 29 if you would like that information.
Their Motivation. What is expected from the visit to MAX IV: TMS will be hosting a scientific conference on 3D Materials Science in Helsingor, Denmark. The organizing group is interested in offering a tour at MAX IV. We have read some of the detail on your website and would like to book the tour if possible.
We hope that the tour will ultimately enhance the 3DMS 2018 experience for attendees. Please feel free to visit the linked 3DMS 2018 website. However, the following technical topics (as well as other related topics) will be covered during this congress, which will be from Sunday through Wednesday prior to the tour:
§ Methods for materials simulation, modeling, and characterization in 3D
§ 3D data processing and reconstruction algorithms
§ Process-microstructure-property relationships in 3D
§ Materials dynamics in 3D
3DMS 2018 seeks to provide presentations on current interest and significance to the three-dimensional characterization, visualization, quantitative analysis, modeling, and development of structure-property relationships of materials. The congress will include plenary, keynote, and invited lectures as well as contributed presentations. The technical program will:
§ Cover a range of topical areas representing the most critical and rapidly growing areas of 3D materials science
§ Include oral presentations, interactive poster sessions, and panel discussions for maximum interaction
§ Address state-of-the-art subtopics to roadmap key areas for future research in 3D materials science
13:00 Ana Labrador (Researcher), Ian McNulty, Science Director. "MAX IV Laboratory"
13:20 Innokenty Kantor (Senior Researcher) “Diffraction and imaging at DanMAX”.
13:40 Jörg Schwenke (Researcher): "SoftiMAX"
14:10 NanoMAX, Angel Rodriguez-Fernandez. (PostDoc)
14:30 MAXPEEM Claudia Struzzi (PostDoc)
14:50 BioMAX. A highly automated beamline. Ross Friel (Research Engineer)
15:00 Visit ends.
Names of participants: To be registered in the Visit Log
Adam M. Krajewski |
Case Western Reserve University |
Anders Salwén |
InnoXinetix AB |
Andrei V. Tkachuk |
Andres Olguin |
Saarland University |
Anne Dennstedt |
Centre des Matériaux - Mines Paristech |
Anter A. El-Azab |
Purdue University |
Can Yildirim |
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
Carsten Detlefs |
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
Ehsan Ghassemali |
Jönköping University |
George Spanos |
The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society |
Grethe Winther |
Technical University Of Denmark |
Hiroyuki Toda |
Kyushu University |
Hugh Simons |
Technical University Of Denmark |
James Carr |
The University of Manchester |
Jaromír Kopecek |
Institute of Physics of the CAS |
Jonathan D. Madison |
Sandia National Laboratories |
Joseph Wendorf |
University of California Santa Barbara |
Mustafacan Kutsal |
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
Natalie Larson |
University of California Santa Barbara |
Nicolai Y Juul |
Technical University Of Denmark |
Phil Cook |
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
Robert M. Suter |
Carnegie Mellon University |
Tingguang Liu |
University of Science and Technology Beijing |
Todd C. Hufnagel |
Johns Hopkins University |
Zongqiang Feng |
Chongqing University |
Further questions from them:
There were several iterations to decide on the time slot and about lunch options.
Due to most scientist being abroad in conferences (SRI) the final program is 2 hours, even if the visiting group could have the possibility and preferred a 4 hours visit.