Our present: förskolor (preschools) at MAX IV (27 Visitors)

Meeting room MAX III

Meeting room MAX III

Ana-Maria Labrador-Garcia (MAX IV Laboratory)

Förskola Visit

2018-04-18, 10:00 to 11:00

In 15 years from now some of today’s visitors might be a colleague at MAX IV.

This visit arises from:

  • The initiative of two preschool teachers inspired in many different aspects of the young girls and young boys development and learning goals and guidelines gathered in the Swedish preschool curriculum (www.skolverket.se)

Pysslingen förskolor - Utforskarna. ( ”Molnet”)

15 kids 3-5 years old and 3 adults

Pedagogue: Patrizia Rosa Natiello

Förskolan Fågel Blå

5 children 2 years old and 3 adults

Pedagogue Sara Persson,

Pedagogue Hanna ?

Manager Janåke Lundqvist

  • The experience of Ana Lúcia Goulart de Faria, PhD researcher in Brazil, Italy and Sweden in pedagogy at 0-6 years. Young children participate in the construction of social reality; they build peer cultures among themselves in the wider society.
  • Our belief that it is valuable to expose children at a very early age to science at MAX IV. (Ana, Ben, Brian, Dörthe)




In preparation for this visit the children have been prepared weeks in advance by their teachers.

  • At MAX IV: safety instructions.
  • At MAX III meeting room:
  1. Introduction to MAX IV: Möt ELO din ciceron till MAX IV laboratoriet
  2. Collaborate. Create ”experimental groups”.
  3. Experiment time. See inside the “sample” & How can we see even smaller things?
  4. Share your discovery.

Food for thought

Young children learn even if the adult has no intention to teach them. They learn from each other, with their materials and through their provocative curiosity. They have an unlimited creativity to invent. Today, this genuine group of thinking people are invited to a new experience, they are being offered the opportunity to “play to be like researchers” at  MAX IV.

What can adults say about what do young children know about the light? What do they want to know? What do they invent with the light they know?,…Are the young children thinking like the scientist or are the scientists the ones thinking like the children? (“Experimental Physicists Are A Lot Like Little Kids” Chad Orzel, Forbes 2018-04-13).

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.


Participants: 20 children and 7 adults

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