OSA, IONS Scandinavia 2018 (67 Visitors)

Experimental hall and Rundvandring (MAX IV)

Experimental hall and Rundvandring


Ana-Maria Labrador-Garcia (MAX IV Laboratory)

Visit requested by: International OSA Network of Students (IONS), Optics&Photonics Student Chapter at Lund University, funded by the Optics Society of America (OSA) and the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) in connection to the  http://ionsscandinavia.osahost.org/ conference
Date request: 10 oktober 2017
Date for the visit: 8 June 2018
Time: 14:00 to 16:00
Number of Participants: 75 for the tour
Visitors background: profiles are usually PhD students or young researchers from all over Europe.

Their Motivation: The co-host of the next International OSA Network of Students (IONS) conference in Europe together with the student chapter at DTU (Denmark) will arrange a day-long trip to Lund University with seminar and a visit to facilities. “As the biggest national research laboratory in Sweden, we would like to get the opportunity to organize a visit to Max-IV for the attendees and staff of the conference. We expect around 75 attendees, which profiles are usually PhD students or young researchers from all over Europe. We think it could be really interesting for them to know your facility, but also for you to advertise the possibilities that Max-IV offers.”

MAX IV Guides: Filip Lindau, Stefan Carlson, David Kroon, Claudia Struzzi, Ana Labrador, Emelie Hilner students: 4: Filip Pajalic,Johan Eckdahl, Zoltan Wagner; Virgínia Boix
Names of participants: To be registered in the Visit Log

Comments: They also asked for funding towards their meeting. MAX IV cannot engage on more than the time and cost of the visit itself.

“In other terms, we are also interested in knowing if Max-IV could help us with the funding required for the conference organization -it can be assuming a certain type of cost (a meal, transportation, etc), or providing merchandising or any other kind of help. We are already preparing some "support packages" to get sponsors around Sweden. OSA provide us with 7000$ for the conference organization but that usually covers less than a fourth of the total budget. To get as many students as possible, there is no conference fee and we support with travels grants to a big portion of the students. Would Max-IV be interested? Who could I contact to discuss it?”

Additional visit: the committee of the conference made a preliminary visit on 27 April 2018, 11:00 to 12:00. “to give the whole committee members a general idea about the visit of MAX IV and also a chance to visit MAX IV if they have other duty on June 8th ”

Research field of the conference invited speakers might be a reference.

  • Ruth Oulton working with Quantum Photonics
  • Siddharth Ramachandran working with Fiber Optics and Communication
  • Katarina Svanberg working with Biological applications of Laser Spectroscopy
  • Sune Svanberg working with Environmental and Medical Applications of Laser Spectroscopy
  • Ursula J. Gibson working with Optical Materials specializing in Novel-core Optical Fibers


14:00 participants arrive. We walk to the experimental hall, where a general presentation will be given by Ana) There are no seats, so it is standing up, or on the floor, therefore 30 minutes seems long enough, and we allow time for questions.

14:40 the guides come and collect the subgroups. There are 5 subgroups:

1. Laser lab with Filip Lindau. 15 visitors. (if the machine is running I can also only accept 5 people at a time (everybody needs to wear goggles). But we could do a few shorter sessions where the rest have to wait outside if the total group is larger.)
MAXPEEM and the 1.5 GeV ring “general overview” with Claudia Struzzi. 15 visitors
Balder and NanoMAX with Stefan Carlson. 20 visitors.
CoSAXS and BioMAX with Ana Labrador 20 visitors.
5. FemtoMAX with David Kroon. 5 visitors at a time

15:20 guides go back to the original meeting point and exchange the groups

16:00 visit ends.


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