Requested by:]
Date of request: January 16, 2018
Group: Institutionen för fysik på Chalmers
Education background: Physics
Number of Visitors: 20
Academic level: It ranges from students, over PhDs, over postdocs, to lecturers and professors.
Date of the visit: 4 June at MAX IV
Time of the visit: 4 June from 12:00 to 17:00
Meeting room: MAX III BOOKED from 13:00 to 15:30
MAX IV staff: from NanoMAX, DanMAX, Balder, HIPPIE and DiffMAX, Sverker,
Gudrun, Ana
Motivation: The department working in the microstructure of the materials usually does a combined study trip / interconference once a year, and this year we would like to place it (partly) on MAX IV.
Comments: Logistics for accommodation arranged by the visiting group: Hotel in Lund (4th to 5th); dinner in Lund; conference room in the hotel
Lunch: Catering at MAX IV!!!!!!!! Ordered and paid by them. Catta is informed
Program: Presentations and tour
Start time End time Duration Topic Speaker
13:00 13:15 00:15 Intro MAX IV Sverker Werin
13:15 13:30 00:15 Intro Chalmers Mats/Magnus
13:30 13:50 00:20 Balder Konstantin Klementiev
13:50 14:10 00:20 HIPPIE Andrey Shavorskiy
14:10 14:30 00:20 Coffee
14:30 14:50 00:20 NanoMAX Ulf Johansson
14:50 15:10 00:20 DiffMAX Olivier Balmes
15:10 15:30 00:20 DanMAX Innokenty Kantor
15:30 17:00 01:30 Tour of MAX IV To be organized