Institutionen för fysik på Chalmers. (20 Visitors)

MAX III and Experimental hall and Rundvandring (MAX IV)

MAX III and Experimental hall and Rundvandring


Ana-Maria Labrador-Garcia (MAX IV Laboratory), Gudrun Lotze

Requested by:]

Date of request: January 16, 2018

Group: Institutionen för fysik på Chalmers

Education background: Physics

Number of Visitors: 20

Academic level: It ranges from students, over PhDs, over postdocs, to lecturers and professors.

Date of the visit: 4 June at MAX IV

Time of the visit: 4 June from 12:00 to 17:00


Meeting room: MAX III BOOKED from 13:00 to 15:30

MAX IV staff: from NanoMAX, DanMAX, Balder, HIPPIE and DiffMAX, Sverker,

Gudrun, Ana


Motivation: The department working in the microstructure of the materials usually does a combined study trip / interconference once a year, and this year we would like to place it (partly) on MAX IV.


Comments: Logistics for accommodation arranged by the visiting group: Hotel in Lund (4th to 5th); dinner in Lund; conference room in the hotel

Lunch: Catering at MAX IV!!!!!!!! Ordered and paid by them. Catta is informed



Program: Presentations and tour


Start time End time Duration Topic Speaker
13:00 13:15 00:15 Intro MAX IV Sverker Werin
13:15 13:30 00:15 Intro Chalmers Mats/Magnus
13:30 13:50 00:20 Balder Konstantin Klementiev
13:50 14:10 00:20 HIPPIE Andrey Shavorskiy
14:10 14:30 00:20 Coffee
14:30 14:50 00:20 NanoMAX Ulf Johansson
14:50 15:10 00:20 DiffMAX Olivier Balmes
15:10 15:30 00:20 DanMAX Innokenty Kantor
15:30 17:00 01:30 Tour of MAX IV To be organized






  1. Anand Harihara Subramonia Iyer
  2. Nitesh Raj Jaladurgam
  3. Emil Eriksson
  4. Ren Qiu
  5. Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander
  6. Anton Chyrkin
  7. Hongjia Li
  8. Mattias Thuvander
  9. Johan Eriksson
  10. Deodatta Shinde
  11. Hisham Aboulfadl
  12. Kristina Lindgren
  13. Krystyna Stiller
  14. Siamak Shoja Chaeikar
  15. Hans Olof Andrén
  16. Seyedeh Nooshin Mortazavi
  17. Lena Falk
  18. Ola Löfgren
  19. Mats Halvarsson
  20. Mohamed Ben Hassine


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