Astronomy and Theoretical Physics (12 Visitors)

MAX III and Experimental hall and Rundvandring (MAX IV)

MAX III and Experimental hall and Rundvandring


Ana-Maria Labrador-Garcia (MAX IV Laboratory)

Requested by: Leif Lönnblad []
Date requested: 2018-04-16   to Emelie
MAX IV host: Ana Labrador

Date for the visit:  5 june.
Time for the visit: 16:00 to
Length of the visit: 1-2 hour?..
Number of visitors: 20
Visitors background: They are all theoretical physicists specialised in particle physics. Most of them go regularly to CERN for meetings and conferences.
Education level: Mostly seniors, but a few PhD students
Language: Only English will work.
What´s the purpose of the visit. What do you expect?: I guess I want them to know that Lund is soon a University with two large (inter)national labs, and even if they are not for particle physics per se, a lot of expertise on accelerator-based research will accumulate in Lund.
Which type of visit? Short presentation and guided tour.
List with the names of all participants:

  1. Torbjörn Sjöstrand
  2. Smita Chakraborty
  3. Stefan Hoeche
  4. Joshua Isaacson
  5. Leif Gellersen
  6. Jan Winter
  7. Helen Brooks
  8. Daniel Reichelt
  9. Olga Bessidskaia Bylund
  10. Joel Oredsson
  11. Marek Schöhnherr
  12. Astrid Ordell



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