- Indico style
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- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Requested by: Leif Lönnblad [mailto:leif.lonnblad@thep.lu.se]
Date requested: 2018-04-16 to Emelie
MAX IV host: Ana Labrador
Date for the visit: 5 june.
Time for the visit: 16:00 to
Length of the visit: 1-2 hour?..
Number of visitors: 20
Visitors background: They are all theoretical physicists specialised in particle physics. Most of them go regularly to CERN for meetings and conferences.
Education level: Mostly seniors, but a few PhD students
Language: Only English will work.
What´s the purpose of the visit. What do you expect?: I guess I want them to know that Lund is soon a University with two large (inter)national labs, and even if they are not for particle physics per se, a lot of expertise on accelerator-based research will accumulate in Lund.
Which type of visit? Short presentation and guided tour.
List with the names of all participants: