- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
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- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Requested by: Yasmine Sassa yasmine.sassa@physics.uu.se
Requested affiliation: Uppsala University
Group: students the summer course ’Applications of Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science’ that will be held in Upsala between June 4th-22th, 2018
Date of the request: 2018-04-16
Date for the visit: 2018-06-19
Time for the visit: 9:30
Length of the visit: 3 hours
Number of visitors: 10
Education level: Master and PhD level students
Motivation and interest from the visitors: In this course we are introducing techniques available at Synchrotron and we would like our students (Master and PhD level) to visit the Max IV facility: RIXS, ARPES, Tomography and protein crystallography
MAX IV staff involved: Eshrak Al Dmour, Anastasiia Shilova, Conny Såthe, Alexei Preobrajenski, Balasubramanian Thiagarajan, Andrey Shavorskiy
MAX IV interest:
Visit format and program: Each guide has about 20 minutes. The schedule spread over 30 minutes slots accounts for margin and flexibility on each instrument.
9:30 Eshrak Al Dmour. Tunnel: ongoing vacuum work in R3 with Neon venting test in Ach 7 and 10 and it is important that that work can proceed undisturbed. +46-732 32 65 25
10:00 Anastasiia Shilova at BioMAX +46-725 22 62 90
10:30 Conny Såthe at Veritas +46-709 32 36 73
11:00 Alexei Preobrajenski at Flexpes +46-709 90 03 87
11:30 Balasubramanian Thiagarajan at BLOCH(Arpes) +46-733 43 95 55
12:00 Andrey Shavorskiy HIPPIE +46-702 28 16 57
12: 30 end of the visit.
Ulf Johansson +46-709 99 79 48 ?
Sara Thorin +46-708 32 33 95
List of participants:
Daniel Hedlund
Gabriel Man
Mohammed Mirmohades
Zhen Qin
Sofia Kontos
Rameez Saeed
Marli dos Reis Cantarino
Minjie Dong
Apostolos Derakis
Yasmine Sassa