- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Requested by: Christian Hulteberg <christian.hulteberg@chemeng.lth.se>
Sara Blomberg <sara.blomberg@chemeng.lth.se>
Requested affiliation: Dept. of Chem. Eng.Faculty of Engineering, Lund University
Group: Dept. of Chemistry-LU with BASF guests
Date of the request: 2018-06-12 (23 May First contact with Emeli)
Date for the visit: 2018-06-26
Length of the visit: 1-1.5 hours
Number of visitors: 9
Education level: chemists or chemical engineering with phd degrees and physicists
Visitor background: three visitors from BASF, including their R&D manager
Motivation,interest, expectations from the visitors: BASF is a very interesting future collaboration partner for the Chemistry Department.LU.
MAX IV staff involved: Stefan Carlson, Andrey Shavorskiy, Ana Labrador
MAX IV interest: outreach to future users
Visit format and program:
MAX IV introduction: Ana
Balder Stefan Carlson
HIPPIE: Andrey Shavorskiy
MAX IV cont.: Ana
List of participants:
Wolfgang Reich, BASF
Julien Daligault, BASF
Sigvald Harryson, I-know-who AB
Nicola Rehnberg, Bona
Reine Wallenberg, LU
Sara Blomberg, LU
Omar Abdelaziz, LU
Baozhong Zhang, LU
Christian Hulteberg, LU
A asked for their ideal visit:
They suggested: the best for this would be to have:
Is there a need to find any particular scientist available or you (the department) can explain them what and how to use MAX IV?
Probably you might be already connected with MAX IV in some way but I don’t know. J