Danish Bioimaging network board (10 Visitors)

Experimental hall. (MAX IV)

Experimental hall.


Ana-Maria Labrador-Garcia (MAX IV Laboratory), Rajmund Mokso (Max IV Laboratory, Lund University)

Requested by: Vita Solovyeva <vita@bmb.sdu.dk>; Jon Sporring sporring@di.ku.dk;
Clara Prats Gavalda <cprats@sund.ku.dk>; Morten Schallburg Nielsen <mn@biomed.au.dk>;
Affiliation Organization /Company: Danish BioImaging (DBI) www.danishbioimaging.dk
Preferred dates: spring semester 2019 (February/March/April/May)
Visiting Group: Danish BioImaging (DBI) Network gathers the BioImaging community in Denmark with the aim to strengthen BioImaging as an essential tool in life science, by promoting and facilitating collaboration, knowledge exchange, best practice and bioimaging research infrastructures within the medical and natural sciences, nationally and internationally.
• Strengthening bioimaging as a key research tool
• Boosting interdisciplinary and inter-institutional collaborations among Danish bioimaging groups/companies
• Connecting the community with international initiatives, infrastructures and networks.

Date of the request: 2018-05-17 Rajmund to Ana. 2018-10-04 Sindra to  Tutti
Date for the visit: 2019-02-28
Length of the visit: 6 hours
Visit starts: 10:30
Visit ends: 16:30
Number of visitors: 11-12 people

Education level: researchers and government lab professionals
Visitor background: biology, natural science
Motivation, interest, expectations from the visitors:
In order to plan a strategy for the smooth and efficient bi-directional communication between the community and the new EU infrastructures at Lund, ESS and MAXIV, the committee would like to visit you and the infrastructures at ESS and MAX IV.
Other Comments:
- Background. Vita contacted Sindra via mutual contacts, wanting to visit ESS and MAX IV to hear and talk about bioimaging. As you’re probably aware, bioimaging with neutrons is quite immature, even though the field has strong potential. It seemed hard to me to have a full event and visit circling around such a new and unexplored area. However, you guys have so much to show! So what I suggested to Vita was that they ask to visit MAX IV for some bioimaging talks and discussions, and that I (or someone else from ESS) participate in that visit and give a neutron talk. Does this make sense to you?

- would it be  possible for you after our meeting to book one seminar room for Danish Bioimaging committee members could have a 1-2 hr board meeting
- Sindra Petersson recommended Vita to contact Tutti
- Sindra Petersson helps with ESS presentation

MAX IV interest: bi-directional communication with a future user community
MAX IV staff involved: Rajmund Mokso main spokesperson for imaging (host). (Sindra Petersson from ESS)
MAX IV room: VIXAM 10:30 to 13:00
and? for the board in the afternoon?

Visit format and program: (agreed/defined all parts DBI, MAX IV, ESS)

10:30 - 11:00 
Rajmund Mokso "Introduction to MAX IV with emphasis on Life science"

11:00 - 11:30 ( talk at 11:20, and leave around 12:30 )
Sindra Petersson Årsköld <sindra.petersson@esss.se> “Life Science Opportunities at ESS”. ESS – what it is, what Denmark’s part is, how far we’ve come – and Life science with neutrons, which includes a modest section on bioimaging using neutrons

11:30 - 12:45
Discussion: how establish a contact between Danish Bioimaging, MAX IV and ESS and how the Danish bioimaging could benefit from ESS/MAX IV facilities. DBI, Rajmunbd, Sindra

12:45 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 14:15 MAX IV tour (about 45 minutes) Rajmund
14:15 - 16:30 DBI board meeting Meeting room ?

List of participants:

Jon Sporring <sporring@di.ku.dk>;
Clara Prats Gavalda <cprats@sund.ku.dk>;
Christoffel Dinant <cdi@CANCER.DK>;
Michael Pedersen <michael@clin.au.dk>;
Morten Schallburg Nielsen <mn@biomed.au.dk>;
Jonathan R. Brewer <brewer@memphys.sdu.dk>;
Anders Bjorholm Dahl <abda@dtu.dk>
Nynne Christensen <nmchristensen@bio.ku.dk>
Ivana Novak <inovak@bio.ku.dk>
Vita Solovyeva <vita@bmb.sdu.dk>


Feedback (after the visit)

indico event: https://indico.maxiv.lu.se/event/866/




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