Clinical research school. (40 Visitors)

MAX III and Experimental hall. (MAX IV)

MAX III and Experimental hall.


Ana-Maria Labrador-Garcia (MAX IV Laboratory)

GUEST                                                                                                             :
Requested by: Diana Karpman <>
Guest affiliation Organisation/Company:
Clinical research school conducted by the Faculty of Medicine, LU.

Visitor background:
alla svensktalande läkare och alla doktorander vid LU
Education level:
PhD students and clinical physicians
Motivation,interest, expectations from the visitors: participants get an idea / inspiration about how the technology can be used in medical research. provides Education and research in the area of health.


Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, provides Education and research in the area of health. 2017
presentation on Life Science/BioMAXt was too complicated and the participants could not follow it. The other lecturers, and the site visit, were all very much appreciated

HOST                                                                                                                :
MAX IV interest:
Education and outreach to this community (clinical research and health) of potential users.
MAX IV resources:
Staff: speakers and guides (RM, AL), reception, meeting room MAX III

VISIT                                                                                                                :
Date of the request: 2018-04-07
Date requested for the visit: 24 sep.
Date for the visit: 2018-09-28
Length of the visit: 2,5 hours
Number of visitors: 40

Visit format: Talks and guided tour
Visit program:
9:00 Ana Labrador, General introduction to MAX IV
9:30 Rajmund Mokso, Imaging at MAX IV
10:00 Karin Tran Lundmark.  Synchrotron phase contrast micro-CT in medical translational research.
10:30 FIKA Moroten & Piskan: coffee/tea and fruit. on the 4th floor at 10.30
10:45 Guide to the experimental hall and beamlines.
-Sandra Cuellar-Baena " Sample preparation for experiments at MAX IV"
11:30 Visit ends

List of participants: xlsx file for vist log

Agger, Erik
Ali, Muhanned
Andersson, Peder
Arechvo, Anastasija
Berntorp, Karolina
Bhat, Misha
Bollino, Michele
Boström, Michaela
Brandt, Christian
Butt, Talha
Dinh Ansson, Cu
Esbjörnsson, Magnus
Fatemi, Shahab
Frostasdottir, Drifa
Ghanei, Iman
Grauen-Larsen, Helena
Hagstrand-Aldman, Malin
Herou, Erik
Hill, Mattias
Jutesten, Henrik
Król, Ladislav
Köster, Jan
Månsson, Tomas
Norrlid, Johanna
Rask, Erik
Réen, Linus
Romantsik, Olga
Singh, Bharti
Smargianaki, Sofia
Ström Rönnqvist, Sebastian
Svensson, Sebastian
Tenland, Kajsa
Thompson, Olof
Tojjar, Jasaman
Vaccarino, Roberta
Valdimarsson, Valentinus
Westbom Fremer, Sofia
Wlosinska, Martiné
Yasa, Ekrem
Falagario, Maddalena



VISIT FEEDBACK                                                                                                               :

The participants in the research school were so impressed! Thank you so much for your efforts! It was very informative!

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