Master course: Molecular Biology Methods, BioR79 (54 Visitors)

MAX III & Experimental hall. (MAX IV)

MAX III & Experimental hall.


Ana-Maria Labrador-Garcia (MAX IV Laboratory)

Requested by: Wolfgang Knecht <>
Guest affiliation Organisation/Company: Master course: Molecular Biology Methods, BioR79. Wolfgang Knecht and Carin Jarl-Sunesson course director.

Preferred range of dates: 29 or 30 October
Group: Master students

Date of the request: 2018-06-25
Date for the visit: 2018-10-30
Visit starts: 14:00
Visit ends: 16:00. Ended at 16:20
Length of the visit: 2 hours
Number of visitors: 54

Education level:
The students are master students

Visitor background: molecular biology methods

Motivation,interest, expectations from the visitors: Students interested in the life science possibilities at MAX IV.

For the presentation, I Think I would opt for a general presentation/wider overview of MAX IV and a short intro to the BioMAX beamline. That is because we would like to combine the visit at MAX IV with a presentation by Zoe Fisher from ESS that is also teaching in the course on ESS and probably neutron protein crystallography. We were thinking to ask you, if she then could have her lecture at MAX IV in combination with the visit and your MAX IV presentations, or if that is unpractical that she could join the visit itself and take the students up to the top floor and show them the ESS building site from there… (we figured out so far that a pure visit at the ESS building site is not so interesting, yet).

MAX IV staff involved: Ana Labrador, Ana Gonzalez, Kajsa Sigfridsson Clauss, Angel Rodriguez Fernandez, Igor Beinik, Jörg Schwenke.

NOTE on the guiding safety procedure implemented: In addition to the on-site Beamline presentation, the MAX IV staff helped to accompany the group from their beamline to the next one. Ana walked ahead and guided the whole group and the beamline scientist made  sure that all visitors followed.

MAX IV interest: Outreach to "users-to-be" communities.

Visit format and program:

14:00 Intro MAX IV. Ana Labrador
14:45 BioMAX, science and beamline. Ana Gonzalez
EXPERIMENTAL HALL: Visit Outside beamlines
15:00 Experimental Hall. BioMAX beamline, Ana Gonzalez
15:15 Experimental Hall. Balder beamline, Kajsa Sigfridsson Clauss
15:30 Experimental Hall. NanoMAX beamline, Angel Rodriguez Fernandez
15:45 Experimental Hall. SoftiMAX beamline, Jörg Schwenke, Igor Beinik
16:00 Experimental Hall. CoSAXS beamline. Visit ends

List of participants:

See attachment


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