Clinical Epidemiology Unit, LU (21 Visitors)

MAX III and Experimental hall. (MAX IV)

MAX III and Experimental hall.


Ana-Maria Labrador-Garcia (MAX IV Laboratory)

GUEST                                                                                                             :
Requested by: Prof. Martin Englund. (+46 46 17 13 94)

Velocity Hughes: (+46 46 17 13 92)
Guest affiliation Organisation/Company:
Clinical Epidemiology Unit. Department of Clinical Sciences, Orthopaedics, Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University

Group: Clinical Epidemiology Unit and SLS and Oulu Univ. collaborators.
Visitor background:

Education level: Researchers ?????

Motivation,interest, expectations from the visitors: The Clinical Epidemiology Unit research is on the molecular basis for musculoskeletal disease. "As part of our work, we've been doing cartilage and bone analyses using synchrotron light at the Swiss Light Source, in collaboration with a medical physics group at the University of Oulu, Finland. In September, these collaborators will be visiting us in Lund, at which time we'd like to have a tour of MAX IV, to see what research possibilities it may offer us"

Purpose of visit: In September 2018, we will be hosting our collaborators from the University of Oulu, Finland (Assoc. Prof. Simo Saarakkala and his group), with whom we do synchrotron light analyses of bone and cartilage at the Swiss Light Source. During their visit in Lund, we would be interested in visiting MAX IV to learn what possibilities it offers for our research. A general tour of the facility, as well as the opportunity to ask application-oriented questions would be great!

Other Comments:
At PSI, we did 2D SAXS/WAXS mapping and 3D SAXS tensor tomography, and we’d of course be interested in these techniques at MAX IV. But a general overview of MAX IV would also be useful, as we plan our future analyses. Closer to the date of our visit, once we’ve discussed more details with our collaborators, we can be back in touch with you in case we come up with any other specific areas of interest.

Fyi, we are mostly interested in SAXS and imaging (ptychography, phase contrast x-ray imaging, ultrafast CT).

Most important for this group would be to get idea on environmental chambers (e.g. can we use native/frozen or paraffin embedded tissues) and other possible special solutions that would allow imaging of meniscus, cartilage and bone. From open beamlines I think nanoMAX is the most interesting. We have understood that DanMAX would be suitable for fast imaging and thus it would be interesting to e.g. hear the status update.


HOST                                                                                                                :
MAX IV interest:
Education and outreach to this community (?) of potential users.
MAX IV resources:
Staff: speakers and guides (AL, CS, KS, IAB), reception, meeting room MAX III

VISIT                                                                                                                :
Date of the request: 2018-06-20
Date requested for the visit:
Date for the visit: 2018-09-18
Visit Starts: 9:30
Length of the visit: 1,5 hours
Number of visitors: 21

Visit format: Talks and guided tour
Visit program:
9:30 Ana Labrador, General introduction to MAX IV at MAX III
10:00 Guide to the experimental hall and beamlines
-> 10:00 CoSAXS Christopher Söderberg
-> 10:15 Sample preparation.  (BALDER) Kajsa Sigfridsson Clauss and
-> 10:30 DanMAX Innokenty Kantor
-> 10:45 NanoMAX Alex Björling
-> 11:00 FinEstBeAMS
Antti Kivimäki <>
12:00 Visit ended

List of participants: xlsx file for vist log.

Martin Englund, med fak, LU
Simo Saarakkala, University of Oulu, Finland
Mikko Finnilä, University of Oulu, Finland
Iida Kestilä, University of Oulu, Finland
Velocity Hughes, med fak, LU
Aleksandra Turkiewicz, med fak, LU
Neserin Ali, med fak, LU
Patrik Önnerfjord, med fak, LU
Martin Rydén, nat fak, LU
Emma Olsson, med fak, LU
Karin Magnusson, med fak, LU
Barabara Snoeker, med fak, LU
Aleksei Tiupin, University of Oulu, Finland
Jon Tjörnstrand, SUS, Region Skåne
Elin Folkesson, med fak, LU
Lotte Höjgård-Hansen, SUS, Region Skåne
Ingemar Petersson, SUS, Region Skåne
Jonas Svensson, SUS, Region Skåne
Dan Bergkvist, SUS, Region Skåne
Anders Aspberg, med fak, LU
Jonas Svensson, SUS, Region Skåne

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