MAX IV R&D seminars-Accelerator Division series: First seminar.
At MAX IV laboratory we operate Linear accelerator (Linac), 1.5 GeV and 3 GeV storage rings and several beamlines. The total length of the vacuum systems of the three accelerators is around 900 m.
The nearest space surrounding the accelerated particles (electrons) and generated radiation is isolated from the surrounding air at atmospheric pressure by metallic vacuum chambers. The pressure inside the vacuum system of the accelerators is in the range of 1e-9 mbar with beam. Such pressure level is defined as Ultra-High Vacuum (UHV) and is necessary for the particles to be accelerated without major disturbances caused by collisions with gas molecules. During operation, ultra-high vacuum regime has to be maintained within the accelerators as well as the beamlines to allow the radiation to reach the samples undisturbed.
During the seminar we will explain basic concepts of vacuum technology and its application to particle accelerators, present the vacuum system design of 1,5 and 3 GeV storage rings and discuss used vacuum equipment and services that can be provided by the Vacuum team at MAXIV.
About the Accelerator Division seminars:
A series of seminars from the Accelerator Division will start on the 18th of Sep. and will continue until the end of the year, once every two weeks.
The goals are:
· to give an overview on accelerator’s sub-systems: like magnets, RF.
· Educational: gives understanding to the main concepts we use when talking about the accelerators and the subsystems (e.g. seminar about general accelerator physics).
· Communication: mainly concerning engineering group resources: who is doing what, services provided by several teams (e.g. vacuum, mechanical design, stability and alignment…etc), how to approach the teams requesting help or even how to write (correctly) the functional descriptions for PLC!
*In bold are the seminar subjects to be given during this series.
P.S. 1 the presentations will be placed in: P:\seminars\accelerator Division\2018
P.S. 2 Godis will be offered J