Reiko Murao, Japanese steel making company reserchers (2 Visitors)

Experimental hall. (MAX IV)

Experimental hall.


Ana-Maria Labrador-Garcia (MAX IV Laboratory)

GUEST                                                                                                             :
Requested by: Reiko Murao
Guest affiliation Organisation/Company:
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation Advanced Technology

Research Laboratories Materials Characterization Research lab.

TEL: +81-70-3514-8083 FAX: +81-439-80-2746

Visitor background:

Education level:
Senior researcher
Motivation,interest, expectations from the visitors: Uses Japanese synchrotron sources for materials characterization related to ironmaking process and steel products.
Also interested in using international synchtrotoron facilities and state-of-arts measurement technics.

We have wide range of needs of materials characterization, and are using several kind of synchrotron analytical technics.

Especially, I'm interested in High-resolution XPS and XAS, STXM, Ptychography, Coherent X-ray diffraction imaging.

Also in situ and operando measurements for high temperature reactions.

Dear Industrial Relations Team 

We usually use synchrotron facilities with the purpose of both the academic use and the industrial use.

In case of developments or trials of new technics, the academic use and/or collaboration directly with synchrotron facility or via university would be supposed.

I appreciate if we could meet one of you and discuss possibility of industrial projects and research collaboration with Japanese company.


He contacted as well Dr. Masatoshi Arai of ESS to visit in the morning of 4th October.

Concerning your interest in  a tour of the beamlines, we use to organize bescope visits for groups and occasionally there are one to one visits when it falls with a mutual interest  e.g. a particular project.

If you want to use MAX IV, as an academic user that will later publish the obtained results, please be aware of the different Open calls for proposals There it will be also indicated the beamlines that will be open for experiments.

If you are looking for access as a company, our Industrial Relations Team (here in cc:) will be  glad to provide you further specific information you might need.


HOST                                                                                                                :
MAX IV interest:
For your case, what could be useful for everyone is to find out who, which scientist, might be available for some discussions with you on the 4th October afternoon. In addition to someone from our industry group, which are already on this communication.

Maybe it´s relevant to mention that some beamline found your visit interesting but unfortunately now it´s not the right moment in time.
MAX IV resources:
Staff: Innokenty Kantor, Jörg Schwenke
(Ana Labrador organice meeting)

VISIT                                                                                                                :
Date of the request: 2018-07-17
Date requested for the visit: 2018-10-04
Date for the visit: 2018-10-04
Length of the visit: 1,5 hours
Number of visitors: 2

Visit format: Meet Beamline scientits
Visit program:

15:30 Dr. Innokenty Kantor from the DanMAX beamline

16:00 Dr.  Jörg Schwenke, SoftiMAX beamline

List of participants:
Dr. Reiko Murao
Dr. Akira Taniyama

The agenda of this meeting is empty