Structural biology couse KEMM15 (19 Visitors)

Experimental hall

Experimental hall

Ana-Maria Labrador-Garcia (MAX IV Laboratory)

Requested by: Derek Logan <>
Guest affiliation Organisation/Company:
Dept. of Biochemistry and Structural Biology         
Centre for Molecular Protein Science
Lund University

Preferred range of dates: 12 December 2018

Date of the request: 2018-09-26
Date for the visit: 2018-12-12
Length of the visit: 1.5 Hours
Number of visitors: 22

Education level:
university and PhD students!?
Visitor background: Biomedicine, Chemistry,  Biochemistry, Biophysics, Molecular biology, Pharmacology, Biotechnology 

Motivation,interest, expectations from the visitors:
Within the KEMM15 LU course on structural biology a visit to MAX IV is organised:
1) 12 December. a Tour at the facility with emphasis on the life science beamlines
2) 17 December: a data collection day tutorial at BioMAX. 4 groups of 5 students each. 2 hours per group.

Participants treated as visitors but:

  • requested only general safety training!? No?
  • Not BL specific safety training.
  • No MAX IV ID card issued

MAX IV staff involved: Ana Labrador, Gustavo Alvares de Lima, Anastasiia Shilova, Jörg Schwenke, Angel Rodriguez Fernandez
and Zoltan Wagner <>
MAX IV interest: contribute in the educational outreach to possible future users

Visit format and program: Tour at the Experimetal hall

14:00 Intro MAX IV, tour 1.5 GeV and 3GeV Ana Labrador
14:20 SoftiMAX Jörg Schwenke
14:30 Imaging, NanoMAX (Angel Rodriguez Fernandez: Nanoimaging (XRF and Ptychography) on neuron cells. Rajmund Mokso slides?)
(Ana, Balder?)
14:45 BioMAX: Anastasiia Shilova Serial crystallography
14:55 BioMAX Gustavo Alvares de Lima, fragmented screening.
15:05 Further questions
Visit ends

List of participants:

19 in the list sent. More could join on the day.


I realised recently that I had never asked you about how the tour of MAX IV on the course KEMM15 went. The students were very inquisitive this year, so I guess they asked a lot of questions. From what I have heard, they enjoyed it. Anyway, thanks for helping out. We hope that it inspires them to become future users. The data collection tutorial the week after also went very well. We very much appreciate the possibility to involve MAX IV in our course despite the fact that it isn't as easy as it used to be in the "good old days".


Yes, it went well, thanks for your feedback J
A few asked questions which is also rewarding for the colleagues presenting their beamline and work.
I did asked them, at the end of the visit, how they liked the visit and if they see themselves being users…a couple raised their hand

/ Ana



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