Biomedicine Programm. Faculty of Medicine (15 Visitors)

MAX III & Experimental hall. (MAX IV)

MAX III & Experimental hall.


Ana-Maria Labrador-Garcia (MAX IV Laboratory)

Requested by: Nejc Arh
Affiliation Organization /Company: Faculty of Medicine, Lund University (student)
Preferred dates: flexible (first semester (where our schedule is known so we can have it after/before lectures), maybe in October/November?)
Visiting Group:

Date of the request: 2018-09-20
Date for the visit: 2018-02-13
Length of the visit: 2 hours
Visit starts: 14:00
Visit ends:  16:00
Number of visitors: 12

Education level: mixed group: biomedicine and medicine, BSc and MSc
Visitor background: Biomedicine/medicine, according to my tour survey most students only roughly know what a synchrotron is and not how it works, so the tour should probably start with the basics.
Motivation,interest, expectations from the visitors: These are the top 5 most requested topics in our tour survey:
- How the beams and beamlines even work?
- How they are used for biomedical purposes?
- Future/advancements in synchrotron facilities.
- How other sciences (chemistry, physics...) use the facility?
- How is such a facility powered/mantained?

Other Comments:

  • There is some interest in my programme for a visit of the MAX IV facility. Biomedicine programme director, who is supportive of the visit: Magnus Hillman,
  • Plan in advance?, if the programme wanted to organize another visit next study year, but for all years of Biomedicine (so more groups), which they could design the schedule around.
  • Coordinating visit with BUR (our student council) to consolidate planning for interested students

From us to them:
By the way, we are having several groups coming from or connected to
I don’t know if at anyone has a general view of all these “similar in this respect” events.


For your information, next week we have the annual MAX IV User meeting.
Now the registration is close, but it might be interesting that you are aware of it in the future.

There are also other initiatives to learn about LU infrastructures, and one is organized from BMC. Kajsa M Paulsson

MAX IV interest: Outreach to "users-to-be" communities.
MAX IV staff involved: Ana Labrador,

Visit format and program:
14:00 General introduction to MAX IV. Ana Labrador
15:30 Experimental hall. Ana Labrador
16:00 Visit ends

List of participants:

Nejc Arh
Gustav Christensson
Stefanie Untermann
Elin Benatti
Margareta Mittendorfer
Rebecca England
Louise Thelaus
Celina Björkqvist
Sandy Le
Liliana Patricia Landazabal Camargo
Tobias Svensson
Harshitha Nagesh
Jonas Andersson
Elin Arvidsson
Špela Lemež

Feedback (after the visit)

indico event:



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