- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Requested by: Juha-Matti Salmela, via Rami Sankari [rami.sankari@maxiv.lu.se]. Organized with Vanhala Valtteri <Valtteri.Vanhala@paimio.fi>
Affiliation Organisation/Company: School from Paimio, Finland. (Paimion Lukio)
Preferred dates: spring 2019
Visiting Group: Physics group students
Date of the request: 2018-03-26
Date for the visit: 2019-05-08
Length of the visit: 2 days
Visit starts: 2019-05-08 8:30
Visit ends: 2019-05-09 17:00
Number of visitors: 11+teacher
Education level: Upper secondary school (age 17-18)
Visitor background: Natural science.
Kirill´s inquiry: Keywords: wavelength, diffraction, spectrum, wave–particle duality, quantum mechanics, energy diagram, electronic band structure, ionizing radiation.Which one of them are good known/recognizable/not known at all?
Answer in response to Kirill question:
Well understood: wavelength, diffraction, spectrum
Some knowledge: ionizing radiation, energy diagram
Not known: wave-particle duality, quantum mechanics, electronic band structure.
Our quantum mechanics course is unfortunately only on the third year so they have not studied it yet. Some students might have knowledge on the topic if they have studied it on their own or watched videos on Youtube.
Would it be beneficial if I gave them a crash course on the basics on quantum mechanics so that they would have a bit more understanding on the topic before our visit?
Motivation, interest, expectations from the visitors:
The schools was planing an excursion with a group of physics students on may 2019. After various conversations it was clear that, currently quite difficult to match the school agenda and the beamline agenda in order to plan some hands-on experiments. Therefore the visit was planned to have a general tour, presentations about the site and demostrations at FinEstBeAMS.
"It would be very rewarding even without the hands-on experiments."
"We understand very well that it is difficult to arrange schedules around your research and it's alright even if we wouldn't be able to fit the experimental session in the end."
"The program looks very good. I had a look at the indico page.... I think two groups might be enough for this amount of students."
Other Comments:
"It's a very compelling idea to be able to do an actual experiment with the instruments. I took a look at the kind of research that's taking place at MAX-IV, but I'm afraid I'm not familiar enough with the beamlines to know what type of experiments could be carried out with students this age. Would you be able to suggest some experiment that might be suitable?"
"It was important to to secure a date for the visit to book ferry tickets and train tickets well in advance."
"have raised the funding for the trip with the students so it's not directly payed by the school."
"The students had a wish to also visit Copenhagen while we're so close by. With this schedule we might start the trip by visiting Copenhagen and then spending the rest of the week in Lund." :)
"around Tunavägen 39 and found a climbing gym" ;)
MAX IV interest:
In the past, at MAX-Lab, and in other facilities (Example Canadian Light Source), there are programs for the upper secondary school, and we are interested on exploring what we could offer at MAX IV.
Accommodation directly booked and paid by them: SERVICE - LU University Guesthouse <lu_university_guesthouse@service.lu.se>
Lunches: sandwiches provided by User Office
Age limit is 15 to be at the beamline (attach safety email-information). And in order to be allowed to operate any equipment the students would need to pass the safety training (currently the staff (or contractors) safety training)
The Internationella Engelska Gymnasiet Södermalm from Stockholm was invited to join the Fins one
MAX IV staff involved: Ana Labrador, Gunnar Öhrwall, Yngve Cerenius, Tomás Plivelic, Jörg Schwenke, Ulf Johansson, Noelle Walsh
Balu, Species,
MAX IV room: MAX III, MAX I a&b
Visit format and program: See "Detailed program" and "8-10 May Overview" in file 2019-0508_SchoolProgram.xlsx uploaded:
Experimental hall, MAX IV presentation, FinEstBeAMS demonstrations, exercises. Detailed program uploaded under "Materials"
List of participants: (to be provided few days before the visit)
Feedback (after the visit)
Indico event: https://indico.maxiv.lu.se/event/1043/
Liked Quotes at Salmela Juha-Matti <Juha-Matti.Salmela@paimio.fi> email
"Joka tähtää tähtiin, voi olla varma siitä, ettei koskaan saavuta päämääräänsä. Mutta samalla hän voi olla varma myös siitä, että yltää korkeammalle kuin se, joka tähtää pensaikkoon" (Sir Philip Sydney)
" Kun olet asettanu päämäärä, kaik on helppo sen jälke"
(Idrek Pertelson, Viro, Sydneyn olympialaisten III, judo, miehet +100kg)