Internationella Engelska Gymnasiet Södermalm (IEGS) (13 Visitors)

Experimental hall. MAX III, MAX I a&b (MAX IV)

Experimental hall. MAX III, MAX I a&b


Ana-Maria Labrador-Garcia (MAX IV Laboratory)

Requested by: Jonathan Richardson, School coordinator
Affiliation Organisation/Company: Swedish program advanced physics class
Preferred dates: spring 2019. Organized to overlap with the Visit from Finland
Visiting Group: Advanced Physics course students

Date of the request: intention expressed after 2018 visit
Date for the visit:  2019-05-08
Length of the visit: 1.5  days
Visit starts: 2019-05-08 8:30
Visit ends:  2019-05-09 13:00

Number of visitors: 12+teacher

Education level: Upper secondary school (age 17-18)
Visitor background: Advanced Physics class
Motivation, interest, expectations from the visitors:

The Advanced Physics course students will be moving into Physics related disciplines next year and would look forward to a visit to Lund.
FYI all of the group from last year have now started Physics / Engineering courses 5 of them at KTH in Stockholm.

"We are fine for the Life Sciences trip on Thursday morning - most of the students are looking at Medical based physics for their courses!

"The students are really excited and looking forward to the visit!"


"Would it be possible for you to plan another visit to us in Stockholm to "brief" the students about a trip?"
Note that I missed that question, but, unfortunately I would had said No to it anyway.

MAX IV interest:

This group expressed the interest in visiting MAX IV since 2017 or earlier, in conversations with CQ MAX IV director. And a  pioneer visit was organised in 2018: (details not included, yet?)

Further details of this year 2019 visit are collected in connection of the visit from Paimio:

Comments: Jon was in the conversation between Kirill and Vanhala concerning the students background invliding the basics of quantum mechanics.

MAX IV staff involved: Ana Labrador, Gunnar Öhrwall, Yngve Cerenius, Tomás Plivelic, Jörg Schwenke, Ulf Johansson, Noelle Walsh
Balu, Species, see final list and precise details under the uploaded program.

FemtoMAX vist OPEN DAY

and Wolfgang Knecht <> LP3

MAX IV room: MAX III, MAX I a&b


Visit format and program: Experimental hall, MAX IV presentation, FinEstBeAMS demonstrations, exercises. Detailed program uploaded under "Materials"

List of participants: (to be provided few days before the visit)

Feedback (after the visit)





Indico event:

More material uploaded in the for the Finish group



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