Previous meetings: 5 March 20, 30 Sep 19
3rd meeting Accelerator physics at physics
Two new faces introduced themselves: Torsten Åkesson (Particle physics) and Kristina Stenström (Nuclear physics).
Kristina presented also the Nuclear Physics division in more detail. A Pelletron accelerator at 3 MeV has been operated up until 2004, now the main accelerator activities are around the LIBAF facility. The division is divided into 5 areas: Neutronics, AGB, Aerosol, BAR and NUSTAR.
Mahmad brought up that operators are needed at the ESS, and thus a general BA course would serve a purpose.
Caterina brought up internships similar to CERN and DESY which are interesting for the students. Francesca connected to this (see Researc school below)
With a more complete picture of which courses are available, we should try to build more “natural” lines in the courses to introduce more students into the fields.
The specialization at LTH “Acceleratorer - fysik och teknik” ( All links broken!) does have a little too few courses in line with accelerators. So far only for F (Engineering physics) but with technology aspects would be interesting also for E (Electro science).
The question on accelerators of using accelerators was brought up.
Claes-Göran emphasized that for LLC it had been a necessity to be broader than laser technology. Only lasers would have been sub-critical. So far it had not been possible to recruit a “laser professor”.
Anders elaborated on the connection to technology and the size of the facilities is significantly different.
Both concluded that a “critical mass” is absolutely necessary.
We should develop the concept in the line of accelerator physics in combination with accelerator technology to reach a critical mass. Initially leaving the “pure users” to the side.
Francesca presented background on approach for research school and invited interested to join with the perspective of outlining a proposal. She invited people to join the group! (-> contact Francesca)
Mathieu briefly showed the Helios school on detectors and how it took advantage of other neighboring iniatives.
Collecting the list of courses should continue. (all, Sverker)
We did not have time to discuss a seminar series.
Continue to develop the center thoughts and consider bringing more expertise in (data, control system,…)
Next meeting in the fall (Sverker)
Second meeting 5 March 2020 at MAX IV
Around the table:
Rob Frost, Jan Pallon, David K Olsson, Jonas Björklund Svensson, Caterina Doglioni, Natalia Milas, Yngve Levinsen, Marcelo Ferreira, Anders J Johansson, Francesca Curbis, Sverker Werin (Last moment not able to join: Kristina Stenström, Anders Karlsson, Charlotta Nilsson)
Caterina and Anders presented themselves and their research in brief.
Anders presented his LCAD (Lund Center for Accelerator Development) from 2017 (document on Indico page). An infrastructure to help develop equipment for other labs. Quick notes on relation to Big Science Sweden ( and RISE ( ). Anders sent the material around for more discussion next time.
We exchanged information on different courses, but agreed that we should collect a table with the information. (Sverker makes a template and sends around)
Things missing: Plasma physics, control systems, vacuum
Helios graduate school, Hamburg-Lund ( Start next January. 25 studentes over 6 years. 2 batches. Pairs Hamburg-Lund. Collaborator in Hamburg Christian Peters, in Lund Caterina Doglioni and Mathieu Gisselbrecht (SLJUS).
We discussed the importance of computing, big data sets, … and how students can be prepared and learn.
We discussed proposals on joining LTH fairs and Lunch seminars. We could develop something together but need to find the right involvement with ESS and MAX IV. The events are run by the student unions and/or sections.
Next meeting: Sverker calls again before the summer.
Action points from last meeting still to do:
We should collect names and contacts for all PhD students among us.
A homepage for the initiative should be put up at the Department of Physics.
Topics still around:
Graduate school. Compare the ERASMUS project MAXLAS 10 y ago run by Anne L'Huillier.
PhD courses in common in areas such as Diagnostics.
Seminar series on Accelerators (compare MAX ESS seminars)
30 September 2019
Come back to teaching when Caterina and Peter från HEP can join.
We should collect names and contacts for all PhD students among us.
A homepage for the initiative should be put up at the Department of Physics.
Anders Karlsson and Anders J Johansson from EIT should be invited.
Graduate school. Compare the ERASMUS project MAXLAS 10 y ago run by Anne L'Huillier.
PhD courses in common in areas such as Diagnostics.
Set-up an Indico page for the presentations from this meeting.
Seminar series on Accelerators (compare MAX ESS seminars)
Sverker should call for a new meeting before end of this year.