17 June 2021
Europe/Stockholm timezone

In the context of the MAX IV process of developing a science-driven strategy to guide our development during the period of 2023–2030 (https://www.maxiv.lu.se/about-us/strategy/), we are organising strategic workshops to solicit community input to finalize the full strategy in the spring of 2022.

We warmly invite you to a virtual half-day workshop on the 17th June 2021 (9am-12 noon CET) that will be focused on tender X-ray e.g. HAXPES beamline at MAX IV. The aim for the meeting is to establish a working group made up from representatives of Swedish universities, research institutions, international research communities, industry, and MAX IV representatives to identify science cases for the beamlines in this energy range.

We would be grateful for members of the community to briefly share how a hard/tender beamline would benefit their research. If you are able to contribute such a short (approx. 3 minute) presentation during user session. Please email Gunnar.Ohrwall@maxiv.lu.se.

Registration for this event is currently open.