1 September 2021
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Scientific Programme


9:00 - 9:15 Welcome & Introduction (Marjolein Thunnissen, Noelle Walsh & Kajsa Sigfridsson Clauss)

9:15 – 9:35 Strategy & Roadmap process (Martin Stankovski)

9:35 – 9:45 Current version of “Tackling Environmental Challenges” section (Kim Nygård)

9:45 – 10:00 Break

10:00 – 11:00 User session (please submit in your contribution, latest Aug 31st)

10:00 “Towards a new LINXS theme connected to environmental and climate research” – Dimitrios Floudas (LU)​

10:12 “XAS for studies of chemical forms of trace metals in 1) Industrial side streams and 2) emissions to the atmosphere” - Jenny Rissler (RISE, LTH)​

10:18 "Organic matter in the dynamic soil pore space " - Edith Hammer (LU)​

10:24 ”Using synchrotron radiation to understand the function and resilience of soils” - Carin Sjöstedt (SLU)​

10:30 “Studying aerosols to understand climate change and improve air quality” - Calle Preger (LTH)​

10:36 “Characterisation of carbon-capturing concrete” - Päivö Kinnunen (Oulu)​

10:42 "Future microfocus beamline" - Alexander Björling (MAX IV)​

10:48 "MIRARI – a future IR microscopy beamline" - Milda Pucataite (LU)​

10:54 "Sustainable Challenges in Big Science Operations" - Emilio Asensi (ESS)​

11:00 – 12:00 General discussion (chaired by Noelle, Kim & Kajsa)

12:05 – 12:15 Conclusions