24 November 2023
Europe/Stockholm timezone
The theme 'nicecompact' does not exist.
The theme 'nicecompact' does not exist.

At the end of 2023, MAX IV will provide WISE with conceptual design reports for three material sciences beamlines. One of the proposed beamlines will focus on diffraction, specifically providing the community with operando surface and powder X-ray diffraction at high frame rates. In this workshop, we will present the project's current state to the community, including the science case, beamline design, and technical capabilities of the endstations. The objective is to get feedback and have detailed discussions to finalize various aspects of the project.

The workshop will be divided into two parts, where the first part is held in hybrid mode, on-site at Chalmers and via Zoom, and is open to the public. It will take place Friday, 24 November 10.00-12.00. This will be followed by a closed session for WISE representatives and beamline experts.

The purpose of the workshop is to share the current status and proposed design, but more importantly to gather input from the community before finalizing the conceptual design report in the end of December. After presenting the background, science cases and the proposed beamline design we will open the floor for feedback. You can provide feedback in three different ways:

  1. Directly during the workshop
  2. Through a google form, which will be shared in the zoom chat and at the meeting
  3. By contacting anyone in the CDR group directly.

Some practical information:

For attendees who registered for on-site participation

  • The workshop starts at 10:00, but there will be coffee/tea and breakfast sandwiched served outside the lecture hall (Room PJ) from 9:30
  • If you are coming from outside Chalmers, the easiest access is through the entrance at Kemigården 1 https://maps.app.goo.gl/zzNPp4uvsskWUTgG9. If you see a big metal apple you are at the right place. Go the 4th floor, and there will be signs directing you to Room PJ.
  • Note that lunch is not included.

For attendees registered for online participation

The zoom meeting will open 10 min before the workshop (9:50)

Room PJ
Physics Origo Building, Kemigården 1, 4th floor
Go to map
Registration for this event is currently open.