10–11 Sept 2015
Universitetshuset, Lund, Sweden
UTC timezone
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Participant List

43 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Adam Squires University of Reading
Adrian Rennie Uppsala University
Aldona Rajewska National Centre for Nuclear Research
Alex Holmes ESS
Ana-Maria Labrador-Garcia MAX IV Laboratory
Anders Pettersson ESS
Andreas Charles Voelker LS Instruments AG
Andrew Jackson European Spallation Source
Andy Church ISIS, STFC
Bente Vestergaard University of Copenhagen
Cedric Dicko Lund University
Chenhui Zhu Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Christoph Quitmann MAX IV Laboratory
Christopher Hirst Physical Chemistry/Lund University
Christopher Söderberg Lund university
Darren Spruce MAX IV
dina carbone LU Max IV
Dörthe Haase MAX IV
Elliot Gilbert ANSTO
Harald Schneider ESS-AB
Jerzy Jamroz MAXIV
Joel Hagman Physical Chemistry
jonathan taylor ESS DMSC
Keld Theodor Max IV, Copenhagen University
Konstantin Klementiev MAX IV Laboratory
Marc Obiols-Rabasa Physical Chemistry - Lund University
Michael Sprung DESY - PETRA III
Najet Mahmoudi Lund University
Olivier Balmes MAX IV Laboratory
Paul Butler NIST
Peter Holmqvist Lund University, Physical Chemistry
Peter Schurtenberger Lund University
Ralf SCHWEINS Institut Laue - Langevin
Se Jaksch Forschungszentrum Jülich, JCNS
Sebastian Lages MAX-lab
Shun Yu Royal institute of technology, Sweden
Soren Skou SAXSLAB
Stephen Hall Lund University & ESS
Tomas Plivelic MAX IV Laboratory
Ulf Olsson Physical Chemistry, Lund University
Vincent Hardion MAXIV Laboratory
Wim Bras Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
Yuri Gerelli Institut Laue-Langevin