- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
A meeting with scientific and technical presentations by expert users on synchrotron radiation techniques within fields of relevance for the forest and pulp industry.
Possibilities for interaction and presentations by R&D experts from the industry on current and future needs on research opportunities.
Specific discussions regarding the ForMAX beamline.
Guided tour at the research facility.
Through experiments on beamlines at MAX IV, unique information can be obtained for academic as well as industrial research. At ForMAX, a proposed beamline that is tailored after the needs forest and pulp industry extra efforts to gather relevant experimental techniques have been made.
At this workshop, experts that are already today using these techniques on relevant systems, e.g. cellulose will present examples on what information is possible to achieve.
Daniel Söderberg, KTH
Sven Lidin, LU
Lennart Bergström, SU
Fredrik Lundell, KTH
Stephen Hall, LTH
Experts from MAX IV Laboratory
Registration deadline: June 8th
Workshop fee: Commercial participants 3 000 SEK, academic participants 1 000 SEK (please observe that dinner and lunch is included but not travel & lodgning)