Due to maintenance tasks the service will be down intermittently on Tueday, Oct 22, 2024 between 10:00-12:00.
25-27 March 2015
Europe/Stockholm timezone


The MAX IV Laboratory currently under construction in Lund will provide a 3 GeV storage ring with an ultralow emittance down to 0.2 nmrad for hard x-rays and a 1.5 GeV storage ring for soft x-rays. The MAX IV design has so far only focused on multibunch operation in the storage rings with a 100 MHz RF system and passive higher harmonic cavities to damp instabilites and increase beam lifetime. The facility will also include a short-pulse beamline for timing experiments which will deliver a 100 fs x-ray pulse of spontaneous radiation from an undulator on the linear accelerator. However, the repetition rate of the short-pulse beamline is limited to about 100Hz.

A discussion about timing modes at MAX IV has been initiated by the user community. The first workshop was held in March 2014 to identify the main user needs for timing modes and timing experiments. A second meeting was organized in connection with the MAX IV User's Meeting in September 2014 (see https://indico.maxlab.lu.se/event/25/picture/21.pdf for the program). Two reports (available for download below) have been written summarizing the status of the user case, and possible accelerator solutions.

Purpose of the Workshop

This workshop is the third meeting to address timing modes at MAX IV. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss challenges and possibilities for timing modes at low-emittance storage rings and to learn from each other's experiences. Three areas of focus have been identified for the workshop:

1. Filling patterns in low-emittance storage rings

2. Resonant pulse picking (incoherent single-bunch excitation)

3. Pseudo single bunch operation (coherent single-bunch excitation)

During the workshop there will also be the possibility to visit the MAX IV construction site.


Stacey Sorensen, Lund University, stacey.sorensen@sljus.lu.se (Contact about scientific programme)

Teresia Olsson, MAX IV & Lund University, teresia.olsson@maxlab.lu.se (Contact about practical issues)

Christian Stråhlman, MAX IV & Lund University, christian.strahlman@maxlab.lu.se

Simon C. Leemann, MAX IV, simon.leemann@maxlab.lu.se

Workshop Report

A meeting report was published in Synchrontron Radiation News after the workshop. It is available at http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/QVNbZcTVdIjHQharVd3E/full

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