Due to maintenance tasks the service will be down intermittently on Monday, Oct 21, 2024 between 13:00-15:00.

Family Christmas Party 2018

E-building dining hall (MAX IV)

E-building dining hall



Bildresultat för christmas banner

MAX IV Kamratförening välkomnar alla anställda att tillsammans med barn/barnbarn och respektive uppleva MAX IV-julstämning!

Varmt välkomna söndagen den 2 december kl. 14:00-16:00.
Det blir luciatåg, dans kring granen, mysig julfika och vem vet…tomten kanske tittar förbi! Festen hålls i matsalen i E-huset på 4:e våningen.

Vi behöver din anmälan senast 26 november. Uppge hur många vuxna respektive barn som kommer.



MAX IV Friendship Club welcomes all employees to experience some MAX IV Christmas atmosphere together with spouse and children/grandchildren!

You are welcome Sunday, December 2 at 14:00-16:00.
Lucia and her choir will sing for us, we will dance around the tree, enjoy a cozy Christmas fika and who knows... perhaps Santa shows up! The party is in the dining room of the E-house on the 4th floor.

Please register by November 26. Indicate how many adults and children are coming.


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