Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics(34 Visitors)

MAX III & Experimental hall. (MAX IV)

MAX III & Experimental hall.


Ana-Maria Labrador-Garcia (MAX IV Laboratory)

Requested by: Hanna Isaksson
Affiliation Organization /Company: Biomedical Engineering Lund University / LTH, hosting the second annual meeting for the EU funded BioMEP graduate school (Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics)
Preferred dates: 2019-02-28
Visiting Group: graduate school (, students supervisor and invited locally interested people.

Date of the request: 2019-01-11
Date for the visit: 2019-02-28
Length of the visit: 2 hours
Visit starts: 14:30
Visit ends: 16:30
Number of visitors: 40

Education level: 15 PhD students, and about 10-15 supervisors primarily from Sweden and Finland (and some from Italy)
Visitor background:Many working with imaging of tissues
Motivation,interest, expectations from the visitors: show everybody the fantastic facilities we have/will have in Lund and give them great examples to inspire them to become synchrotron users in the future. I've invited Rajmund to give a keynote lecture, but I was hoping it would be possible to get a tour of MAX-IV too.
Other Comments: hosting the second annual meeting for the EU funded BioMEP graduate school (Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics). Program uploaded under the material.

MAX IV interest: Outreach to "users to be"
MAX IV staff involved: Ana Labrador, Rajmund Mockso, Gustavo Lima +46 72 524 60 06 Mirko Milas +46-722-283151


Visit format and program:
14:30 Lecture Rajmund Mockso
15:30 Experimental hall. BioMAX Gustavo Lima
16:30 Visit ends

List of participants:

Feedback (after the visit)

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