COURSE LU: MAX IV/ESS-based imaging for medical and biomedical research, introduction (15 Visitors)

Experimental hall and MAX III meeting room (MAX IV)

Experimental hall and MAX III meeting room


Ana-Maria Labrador-Garcia (MAX IV Laboratory), Anders Engdahl (MAX IV laboratory)

Requested by: Oxana Klementieva
Affiliation Organization /Company: Medical Microspectroscopy group, EMV, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University

Preferred dates: 2018-02-25
Visiting Group: Students for the LU Course "MAX IV/ESS-based imaging for medical and biomedical research, introduction"

Date of the request: 2018-02-05
Date for the visit: 2018-02-25
Length of the visit: 3 hours
Visit starts: 10:30
Visit ends: 12:00
Number of visitors: 15

Education level: University students
Visitor background: medical and biomedical
Motivation,interest, expectations from the visitors:
Other Comments: Link to the course , preliminary  synopsis included in the material.

MAX IV interest: Outreach to Users to be (*).
MAX IV staff involved: Emelie Hilner, Anders Engdahl (Host) (and Ann, Angle in course lectures) Per Uvdal
MAX IV Comments: At this moment I only got to know that there is a policy concerning the room booking. I would say that it is in-progress because I haven’t see it yet and I´ve got the impression that “feedback on it is somehow welcome”. So, all together is what makes go ahead and book the room for this occasion.

Visit format and program:

09:00 LUSY room. Oxana Klementieva. Registration at MAXIV (2 min presentation per student)
09:30 Experimental hall. Emelie Hilner. A brief introduction to synchrotrons in general and MAX IV in particular. How does it work? Excursion at MAX IV

10:30 Pause, MAX IV coffee machines

10:45 MAX III room.  Per Uvdal A brief introduction to synchrotrons in general and MAX IV in particular. How does it work?.
11:45 Oxana Klementieva. As a practical exercise:  design and discussion the best beamline for the biomedical/medical project.
12:00 Visit ends

List of participants:



Feedback (after the visit)

indico event:




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