Jun 26 – 28, 2019
Kulturen, Lund
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The EU-funded Horizon 2020 structural biology project iNEXT provides free user access to some of the most advanced facilities for structural biology in Europe: X-ray synchrotron sources, high-field NMR facilities, Electron Microscopy, and other imaging and biophysical characterization facilities.

The 4th Annual Users Meeting of iNEXT will take place in Lund (Sweden) and is co-organized by the newly established synchrotron MAX IV and European Spallation Source (ESS). This meeting will bring together iNEXT users of the various structural biology facilities involved plus all iNEXT partners. Recent scientific advances made in the field of structural biology will be exchanged and discussed. The meeting will form a unique opportunity to be informed on the access possibilities to iNEXT facilities and to make suggestions for future improvements.

From Wednesday 26th of June afternoon until the night of Thursday June 27) the meeting is devoted to scientific presentations in various fields of structural biology, with several keynote lectures from prominent invited speakers and additional talks by iNEXT Partners and users.

Registration to the event is free of charge.

Scientific Sessions: 15:00 Wednesday 26 June - 16:00 Thursday 27 June Facilities visits: 16:00 - 19:00 Thursday 27 June iNEXT General Assembly: 09:00 - 11:00 Friday 28 June

Kulturen, Lund
Tegnérsplatsen 6, 223 50 Lund