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MAX IV Kamratförening välkomnar alla anställda att tillsammans med barn/barnbarn och respektive uppleva MAX IV-julstämning!
Varmt välkomna söndagen den 8 december kl. 14:00-16:00.
Det blir luciatåg, dans kring granen, mysig julfika och vem vet…tomten kanske tittar förbi! Festen hålls i matsalen i E-huset på 4:e våningen.
Vi behöver din anmälan senast 2 december. Uppge hur många vuxna respektive barn som kommer.
MAX IV Friendship Club welcomes all employees to experience some MAX IV Christmas atmosphere together with spouse and children/grandchildren!
You are welcome Sunday, December 8th at 14:00-16:00.
Lucia and her choir will sing for us, we will dance around the tree, enjoy a cozy Christmas fika and who knows... perhaps Santa shows up! The party is in the dining room of the E-house on the 4th floor.
Please register by December 2nd, at the latest. Indicate how many adults and children are coming.