26-28 October 2016
Health and Society, Malmö University
Europe/Stockholm timezone




Plenary speakers:

Prof. Trevor Forsyth, Keele University and Institute Laue Langevin

Prof. John Katsaras, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Dr Thomas Callisen, Novozymes

Prof. Robert Thomas, Oxford University


Keynote speakers:

Dr. Robert Schnell, Karolinska Intitute

Prof. Birger Lindberg Møller, University of Copenhagen

Assoc. Prof. Martin Bech, Lund University

Assoc. Prof. Uri Raviv, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Dr. Ilja Voets, Eindhoven University of Technology

Prof. Jan Skov Pedersen, Århus University

Dr. Justas Barauskas, Camurus

Dr. Anna Stenstam, CR Competence

Dr. Sarah Rogers, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

Dr. Tomas Lundqvist, MAX IV Laboratory

Reader Dr. Carmen Domene, King’s College London

Prof. Peter Müller- Buschbaum, Technische Universität München

Prof. Fredrik Höök, Chalmers Technical University          


The final schedule can be found here.