Jun 13 – 14, 2022
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The Soft X-ray Laser (SXL) at MAX IV is an initiative by the Swedish FEL user community requesting enhanced capabilities at the MAX IV Laboratory to deliver coherent ultrashort pulses in the soft X-ray range. SXL will open up unique opportunities for research in atomic, molecular and optical science, chemistry, materials, condensed matter and life sciences, as described in the science case that was compiled and published in 2016. Based on this science case, a group of scientists and engineers from a number of Swedish universities and the MAX IV Laboratory has worked on the design of SXL, resulting in a recently published Conceptual Design Report.

SXL builds on the existing MAX IV linear accelerator and will be placed in a building extension of the Short Pulse Facility. The main special features of SXL are the ability to provide short, femto- and attosecond duration, X‑ray pulses with high intensity and variable polarization, and double X‑ray pulses with different wavelengths and tunable time delay. In addition, SXL features an advanced laser infrastructure, where pump-probe experiments can be performed using photon pulses from a multitude of secondary sources in a wide wavelength range from the THz to the soft X-ray regime.

SXL provides unique as well as complementary features to other FELs around the world and will place Sweden at the forefront of international X‑ray research for years to come. At this stage, the project is ready to take the important step from concept to realization.

In October 2021, a satellite meeting on Ultrafast X-ray science using SXL at MAX IV was arranged in connection with the MAX IV User Meeting, gathering about 100 participants. Based on the CDR and the original Science Case, complemented with the input of speakers from the international FEL user community, the meeting highlighted the future possible science at SXL, and resulted in a user-driven Expression of Interest for SXL that was submitted as input to the future strategy and roadmap of the MAX IV Laboratory. In addition, it initiated the update process to the Science Case prior to when the work with the Technical Design Report can start, a process that will be finalized at this workshop.

Abstract submission is now closed. Dinner registration is now closed. Links to the Zoom sessions:

Day 1 - Room 4204

Time: Jun 13, 2022 09:00 AM Stockholm


Meeting ID: 643 5261 0034


Day 2 - Room 4204

Time: Jun 14, 2022 09:00 AM Stockholm


Meeting ID: 631 2453 0014


Day 2 - Room 4205

Time: Jun 14, 2022 09:00 AM Stockholm


Meeting ID: 613 0725 4865

Rooms 4204 and 4205, floor 4, Nova building (house 3)
AlbaNova University Center, Stockholm, Sweden
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