25-26 September 2024
MAX IV Laboratory
Europe/Stockholm timezone
Venue: MAX IV Laboratory, Fotongatan 2, 224 84 Lund Sweden

ReMade @ARI Project

ReMade@ARI (REcyclable MAterials DEvelopment at Analytical Research Infrastructures), is a project funded by the EU Commission’s Horizon Europe programme and co-funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation.

The project provides scientists with analytical tools that enable the exploration of the properties and structure of their material in the smallest detail up to atomic resolution. ReMade@ARI commits to leverage the development of innovative, sustainable materials for key components in the most diverse sectors, such as electronics, batteries, vehicles, construction, packaging, plastics, textiles and food on an unprecedented level.

As part of a series of events, bringing together user communities, new users and large infrastructures, ReMade is financing this workshop hosted at the ForMAX beamline at MAX IV in Sweden.

The project has currently three different calls for access open:

ReMade-IND: All types of industrial companies, in collaboration with a knowledge provider (academia, RTO, CRO, specialised service companies or other similar legal entities); funding of projects up to max. 30.000€; apply by 30th August 2024

ReMade-SME: Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can apply for access; submission deadline: 16th December 2024

Pre-proposal: Send in your pre-proposal for an access-proposal and get feedback on it to improve your chances of getting access.

Coming soon:

ReMade-TNA: Call for Standard User Access, open to academia and industry. Increase your chances by submitting a pre-proposal (see above); call duration: 28th August - 9th October 2024

Read more about the calls and the respective guidelines on the project webpage: https:// remade-project.eu/