Projects at MAX IV - a seminar on project management




Andreas Lassesson

At MAX IV, every year, month, and day brings new initiatives. Some are long-term and expensive undertakings, while others are smaller, focusing on immediate improvements to how we work. These projects vary widely: some are scientific, some technical, and others administrative. What they all have in common is that they drive progress at our facility.

In light of this, we have decided to dive deeper into the topic of project management. We have invited Mattias Georgson Petrén for a seminar. Along with Fredrik Holmlund and Andreas Lassesson, Mattias will lecture, discuss, and at times, challenge our current methods at MAX IV.

The seminar is open to everyone because, whether you realize it or not, everyone here is involved in or impacted by our projects. By the end, we hope you'll walk away with a better understanding of how projects shape our work.

Mattias Georgson Petrén was part of the accelerator physics department at MAX-lab from 1996 to 2001. Since then, he has dedicated his career to project management, taking on various roles. Today, he is a consultant and trainer at Arkatay consulting.

    • 09:00 12:00
      Agenda 3h
      • Introduction
      • What is a project?
      • Projects as a way of working
      • Project life cycles
      • A project at MAX IV
      • Projects, programs and portfolios
      • Planning
      • Exercise
      • The MAX IV program and project portfolio
      • Wrap up