(version 180214)
Day 1: Thursday 15/2
12.00 Lunch @ MAX IV
13.00 Intro Open session!
- Welcome (Christoph Quitmann)
- SXL CDR project overview (Pedro Tavares)
- Aim and plan for the workshop (Sverker Werin)
13.30 Where is the design today? Open session!
- Science case (Anders Nilsson)
- Accelerator (Sara Thorin)
- FEL (Francesca Curbis)
- Insertion devices (Hamed Tarawneh)
- Ultra short pulses and THz (Vitaliy Goryashko)
- The FemtoMAX experience (Jörgen Larsson)
- Beamlines (Franz Hennies)
- Experimental stations (nn)
- 5' Introduction to working groups (Sverker Werin)
16.00 Start the work
Working groups I - Find the starting point
- Topics
- Interfaces, specs, "loose ends"
- Requirements
- Internal work
17.30 Quick review
18.30 Dinner at Glorias (St Petri Kyrkogata, Lund. Bus 20 departs at 18.01/18.11/...)
Day 2: Friday 16/2
9.00 Continue the work
- Discussion on interfaces/performance
9.30 Working groups II - Plan the work.
- Timeplans
- Deliverables
- Milestones
- Write sub-project descriptions
10.45 Make the plan
- Add up Complete workplan Discussion on workplan
- Summary, next meeting, actions.
12.00 Lunch @ MAX IV