Jun 27 – 28, 2018
Stockholm, Alba Nova
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Forum on Advanced FEL Techniques

A one and a half day “Forum on Advanced FEL techniques” will be organized on June 27 and 28, at the margin of the “Science@FELs 2018” conference (see https://indico.maxiv.lu.se/event/476/ ) at the Alba Nova center in Stockholm, Sweden.

The goal of the forum is to bring together FEL experts and users. The forum will feature review talks and highlights from both FEL and beamline scientists, which will be followed by extensive discussions in round tables. We plan to have three sessions: (1) Coherence and photon pulse manipulation, (2) High pulse energy and polarization control and (3) Ultrashort pulses and multiple colours.


Gianluca Geloni, European XFEL
Luca Giannessi, Fermi@Elettra & ENEA Frascati
Sverker Werin, Lund University & MAX IV Laboratory

Contact: sverker.werin(at)maxlab.lu.se

The Forum is organized by European XFEL, Fermi@Elettra, MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University and Stockholm University.

The Forum is an action within and sponsored by FELs of Europe.

Stockholm, Alba Nova
Stockhom University, Stockholm, Sweden