11–14 Jun 2023
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Keynote and Invited speakers

Keynote Speakers

Stephen Burley, (Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA) Beyond the first 50 years of the PDB

Ian Wilson, (Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, USA), Synchrotrons and Virus Research

Invited Speakers

Maximilian Ackermann (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany) COVID19 - 3D imaging for deciphering the pathology of a global pandemic

Kartik Ayyer (MPI Hamburg, Germany), Machine learning to handle conformational heterogeneity in coherent imaging

Clement Blanchet (EMBL-Hamburg, Germany) Use of SAXS in the development of Covid vaccines

Aina Cohen (SLAC, Stanford, USA) Developments for macromolecular crystallography at the LCLS and SSRL

Connie Darmanin (La Trobe, Melbourne Australia) Studies of Toll-like receptors using electron diffraction and FELS

Thomas Grant (Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research, Buffalo, USA) Ab initio electron density determination directly from solution scattering data, applications to drug discovery.

Britt Hedman (SLAC, Stanford, USA)  Probing enzyme reaction mechanisms with XAS

Andrey Kovalevsky (ORNL, Oakridge, USA) Combined X-ray & neutron crystallography for drug design purposes

Helena Käck (Astra Zeneca, Mölndal, Sweden) Synchrotron and FEL studies for drug discovery: an industrial perspective

Marianne Liebi (Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden) SAXS tensor tomography in biomedical applications.

Atsushi Momose (Spring 8, Sayo, Japan) Hard X-ray tomography at Spring 8

Alexandra Pacureanu (ESRF, Grenoble, France) 3D synchrotron studies of the brain

Ingrid Pickering (University of Saskatchewan, Sasketoon, Canada) Metals and human disease

Tim Salditt (Georg August University, Göttingen, Germany) Advances in 3-D imaging for bio-medical applications at modern synchrotrons

Holger Stark (MAX Planck Institute, Göttingen, Germany) Structural insights into the spliceosome

Gebhard Schertler (Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switserland) Dynamics of GPCRs and their complexes.

Jill Trewhella (University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia) Importance of validation in SAXS/SANS