Jan 29 – 31, 2024
Europe/Madrid timezone
Venue: Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona & ALBA, Spain



Dear all, on behalf of Forum Organising Committee, we wish to thank you for your contribution and engagement in the initiative. We had 3 days of exciting talks, involving 80 meeting participants from 10 countries with 33 different affiliations, a poster session showcasing facilities´capabilities and applied research studies and discussion sessions to identify the most relevant technical and scientific challenges in the field of battery research, supported by LEAPS partners.

We hope you enjoyed the meeting, started new collaborations and look forward to possible follow up events.

We will add here information that might be of interest:

- The international Operando Battery Days 12-14/06/24 (https://obat.sciencesconf.org/)



Building on the momentum of strengthening and developing further the collaboration between facilities and user communities tackling battery research, WP9 in LEAPS-INNOV is organising an in-person meeting 29th -31st January 2024 in Barcelona (kindly hosted by ALBA) titled “Supercharging the clean energy transition: How can LEAPS facilities collaborate in battery research”.

The meeting will convey thoughts and opinions gathered in previous and ongoing initiatives in this context and will greatly focus on the involvement of facility staff working with tools tackling battery research.

The scientists have a central role in understanding and shaping future developments, addressing user community needs and creating sustainable communication channels for successful collaboration between facilities and experts from academia (and industry).

Meeting participants are invited to actively contribute to the programme of the event by submitting abstracts to get a dedicated slot for oral presentation in two sessions:

1) Enabling technologies (30/01 9-12h)

2) Applied research talks (31/01 9-11h)

The selected talks are now included in the Programme.

The Poster Session in the afternoon of the first day of the meeting will provide an overview of the technical capabilities offered at each LEAPS facility.

Members of the Scientific Programme Committee setting up the content of the event are as follows: Jakub Drnec (ESRF; Forum Chair), Sandrine Lyonnard (CEA), Laura Simonelli (ALBA), Elmar Kataev (EMIL, HZB), Rita Graceffa (EUXFEL), Maya Kiskinova (ELETTRA), Michael Stueckelberger (DESY), Montserrat Casas (CICENERGIGUNE).

The official Forum dinner taking place on 29/01 at 20.30h will take place at the Xiroi Ca La Nuri Restaurant (Passeig Marítim de la Nova Icària, 38, Sant Martí).