23-28 June 2024
Europe/Stockholm timezone

SIRIUS: Brazilian Light Source Overview, Overcome Failures and Lessons Learned Towards a Reliable Operation

26 Jun 2024, 08:30


Patricia Nallin (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source)


SIRIUS is a Brazilian fourth-generation synchrotron light source, having its first stored beam in December 2019. Currently, the facility runs in top-up mode with 100 mA while accelerators get constant upgrades and improvements to reach project specifications. There are 10 beamlines already in operation with regular users call, and new ones are under installation/ commissioning/ development for next project phases. An overview and current status of the facility will be presented as well as faced issues and lessons learned.

Primary authors

Patricia Nallin (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source) Dr Liu Lin (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)

Presentation Materials